These are my boys. The Bay is Knot, the pinto is Magic Man and the light bay is Broken Arrow.
Well, my weekend flew by. I am still sick but partially functional.
Beverly and I picked up a whole pickup load of walnuts Sunday so they are ready for market.
Yesterday was my holiday. Believe or not, every one was gone...Den back to work, Andrew to school. No daughters in sight. Quiet!
I had finished laundry and dishes through my coughing and blowing so I was free to run errands. Off to WalMart, Farm Supply, and Dollar Store(30 minute drive). Home again to haul it all in. By now I am having trouble catching my breathe because I not completely healed. Worn out!
After unloading the purchases, I decided to carry through my threat. If you have trouble keeping dishes clean, you have too many, so...I emptied the cabinets of dishes, bowls, glasses and silverware. Replaced them with a limited number of each and boxed the difference. Now we will see what happens, see if someone else can wash a dish or two.
Den worked all day and came home and worked on the tractor and with the cows til dark. This gave me a chance to run to town and pick up the things I failed to get in AshFlat. Even with a list, I miss something. I need a professional organizer.
Back to work this morning with three days of mail waiting (you always pay for those holidays).
are you a mail person? I babysit for a temp rural carrier, who also sorts inside, and she dreads the first day back after a holiday!!
I hope you are feeling better, I had a bug that left me winded a couple of weeks ago. It was quick, but powerful!
Thank you for your sweet comment.
I am a postmaster and yes, it was busy today.
I look forward to the movie. My husband was fireman for twenty years. He was a good fireman and is a good husband.
Hi there now!
Just saw that you clicked to follow/share ect...on my blog! GREAT.
hahhahaha! already I am lauging cause the dishes Idea...think it'll happen in my kitchen cabinets-tomorrow! Surprise!
Dishes are like laundry..I'm not sure who invented those dreaded things....
It is gorgeous your way! Great pix of the horses in knee deep grasses!
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