They have discovered they can find any hole and are off on their merry way. AGHHHHH!
I have to remind myself that this is a tax deduction. The calf we butchered last year melted in our mouths. I do love calving time, getting to see all the new babies. BUT, it is the other times that I have trouble with the hay-getting-low times, the fences-are-down times and the let's-run-over-the-person-who's-feeding times.
These cows are BIG! One cow kick could break a leg and I do not like the way the bull has been watching me.
Well, I guess God wanted us to farm 'cause here we are after all these years away. It was Mom and Dad's dream and now it is our dream. Or could it be nightmare?
Been there, done that, retired 11 years ago, and am enjoying myself. Have a great Wednesday!
Gail, I have to tell you that I admire you and your family and all your hard work of farming...I wasn't raised on a farm but was raised on a mountain top where we had huge gardens and my Dad would hunt deer, squirrel, rabbit, turkey to help put food on the table..our farmer neighbors worked so hard, and like you said, their days only ended b/c the sun went down. Farming has no hours and is an 8 day a week job!
I have a hard time keeping up with one cat and one dog let alone cows. chickens, goats...etc :0
I'm sure those cows can be a pain to take care of, but then so can people. My dream is to raise cashmere goats or merino sheep. I'm too old to start now, but if I had my druthers....
like you did with cows and horses or like them:
Was your husband raised on a farm?
Farming can be quite the challenge, but it sounds like you guys are up to it. Do keep an eye on the whereabouts of that bull!
The farm life can be a major pain to be sure...but, then again it's so nice to be able to walk outside and not have your neighbors watching your every move, or having to keep your yard up to match "the code" of the co-op or neighborhood or whatever they call it. If only we could all be wealthy enough to be able to live on our farms and have a hired hand or two to do the daily upkeep except for when we wanted to do it. Now that would be the life! I guess I just want my cake and be able to eat it too!!!
Funny how one persons' paradise can be another persons'!!! Hang in there!!! Those cows are just trying to teach you something.....
Whether or not it's a dream remains to be seen...what is true is that it is YOUR reality! :)
Enjoys those steaks and keep an eye out for that bull.
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