I stopped to admire the dragon fly
a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Walking In The Heat
can be rather dangerous these days. I took my time and enjoyed the scenery and tried not to see all the work waiting to be done.
These are effects from our ice storm last winter but it good to know life is growing out of the destruction. We are getting the few acres around the house cleared. Ten acres down and one hundred plus to go.
We have a few, uh, many brush piles.
These limbs, called hangers, are the most dangerous. If they decide to fall while you are under them, they can even kill you. We do not have the equipment needed to remove these. We will have to wait on Mother Nature and watch out when the wind is blowing.
I am almost to the creek and then I will cool my feet and rest before the last part of my journey home.
Sometimes Work Is Play...
if you have your camera. While looking for lost cow/calf, I saw beauty every direction I turned. I had to wipe the sweat out of my eyes to focus, but enjoyed the scenery anyway.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
The Great Cow Caper
A cow escaped! We tracked her down and found her and her new calf doing quite well. Today we were going to move her to the correct pasture.
Finally found her, hot, miserable and understandably uncomfortable.
She was not too concerned that we would find her baby and proceeded to cool off.
Now you see her...
Now you don't!
Good mama! Hid that baby well!
Friday, June 26, 2009
Sky Watch Friday
I am computer impaired and have never posted on the actual Sky Watch post. Can someone explain how to do so, simply?
January sky

February sky
June sky
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Ice Is Nice...In Summer
I shall revel in the heat and fill my glass with manufactured ice and pour sweet tea to the top and say, God, thank you for summer!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Now I never complained when it was raining. I love the rain and even though it makes more work like weeding and filling washes and mowing grass, I still do not complain. I love that rain makes things grow and when the plants are growing, everyone can eat, from the tiniest bug to the biggest cow or horse.
I am, however, not a hot weather person. I sweat like a horse! Every inch of me lathers up when it reaches 80 degrees, please, give me air conditioning! I sweat so much, I cannot see, my clothes are dripping and always must shower as soon as I come in. Give me Spring or give me Fall but you can keep the Summer.
The dogs have the right idea, maybe I should follow in their stead and I will stay cooler.
I am, however, not a hot weather person. I sweat like a horse! Every inch of me lathers up when it reaches 80 degrees, please, give me air conditioning! I sweat so much, I cannot see, my clothes are dripping and always must shower as soon as I come in. Give me Spring or give me Fall but you can keep the Summer.
The dogs have the right idea, maybe I should follow in their stead and I will stay cooler.
Bambi, our Italian Greyhound
Seymour, our Spaniel
Stay cool everyone!
Monday, June 22, 2009
...Here's Your Sign!
I was not going to post two today but I must! I have no pictures but hopefully I can describe this well enough so you can see it in your mind.
My husband has many creative ideas, some are good, while others...
We are having trouble with water weeds and moss in the big pond. Den's idea was to take the horse drawn rake, chain it to the tractor, place it in the bucket, drop it into the water, let it roll out and then pull it out with the tractor, raking the water grass and moss out with it.
It was working well and he stopped by to tell me what he was doing. Not my horse drawn rake? Yes, it is chained to the tractor and locked so it will not come loose. I like my rake, do not break it. Oh, I won't break it, it is working great. I said do not mess up my rake, it is valuable. We have two. I don't care, I want to keep two.
Two hours later, a dripping wet, frustrated hubby returns to the house, minus one horse drawn rake. I got the story from Andrew, hubby was not talking.
The grass was coming out wonderfully until they reach the deep water. He drops the rake and it won't pull out, the chain comes off. Now, he knows better than telling me this without trying the great rake rescue first.
He fashions some hooks to the lariat ropes and tries to snag it and drag it out...the ropes break. So now, not only is my horse drawn rake in the deep end, so are two hooks and my lariats are broken. He knows by now this is serious and he better not come tell me til he tries something else.
Next thing is dive in with the chain and attach it to the rake and pull it out....no good. Now he has a life jacket on and is trying to feel the rake with his feet as he is bobbing in the water...no good. This water is at least fifteen feet deep and all his tugging and pulling has buried the rake in the pond bottom, the tines have dug in and they are not moving.
He quietly returns to the house and Andrew gives the report while hubby is hiding. Andrew says Papa is afraid you will be mad! Me, mad???? Why would I be mad just because I told someone to be careful? Why would I be mad, just because my hundred year old horse drawn rake is on the bottom of the deep end of a pond???
I get no reports from hubby. I ask today if he has a plan for recovery. Yes, he does but he has to have three people, two in a boat and one on land....I can't wait to see this! I will be present this time, with my camera.
My husband has many creative ideas, some are good, while others...
We are having trouble with water weeds and moss in the big pond. Den's idea was to take the horse drawn rake, chain it to the tractor, place it in the bucket, drop it into the water, let it roll out and then pull it out with the tractor, raking the water grass and moss out with it.
It was working well and he stopped by to tell me what he was doing. Not my horse drawn rake? Yes, it is chained to the tractor and locked so it will not come loose. I like my rake, do not break it. Oh, I won't break it, it is working great. I said do not mess up my rake, it is valuable. We have two. I don't care, I want to keep two.
Two hours later, a dripping wet, frustrated hubby returns to the house, minus one horse drawn rake. I got the story from Andrew, hubby was not talking.
The grass was coming out wonderfully until they reach the deep water. He drops the rake and it won't pull out, the chain comes off. Now, he knows better than telling me this without trying the great rake rescue first.
He fashions some hooks to the lariat ropes and tries to snag it and drag it out...the ropes break. So now, not only is my horse drawn rake in the deep end, so are two hooks and my lariats are broken. He knows by now this is serious and he better not come tell me til he tries something else.
Next thing is dive in with the chain and attach it to the rake and pull it out....no good. Now he has a life jacket on and is trying to feel the rake with his feet as he is bobbing in the water...no good. This water is at least fifteen feet deep and all his tugging and pulling has buried the rake in the pond bottom, the tines have dug in and they are not moving.
He quietly returns to the house and Andrew gives the report while hubby is hiding. Andrew says Papa is afraid you will be mad! Me, mad???? Why would I be mad just because I told someone to be careful? Why would I be mad, just because my hundred year old horse drawn rake is on the bottom of the deep end of a pond???
I get no reports from hubby. I ask today if he has a plan for recovery. Yes, he does but he has to have three people, two in a boat and one on land....I can't wait to see this! I will be present this time, with my camera.
Father's Day Fishing
Hey, one day without lots of work!!! I lost count of the fish we caught but we kept every one. We had bass and very large sun perch. It was fun although it was hot. We have many stocked fish ponds but rarely take the time to enjoy them.
The Dragon Flys were out in all their glory. I tried to catch them in mid flight but I am not quick enough.
You can see the refections in the water behind the dragon flies.
The Button Willows were starting to bloom.
Some one is after my Dr Pepper.
I did not forget it was Father's Day and cooked Den two of his favorite dishes...pineapple upside down cake and beef brisket. He is now happily napping in his recliner with a full stomach.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Agent Orange Update
Orange has kindly taken the role of king of the farm. He is our special investigative agent and does very well in his new position.
He is faster than a Terracotta snail.
Disappears during covert operations.
Takes advantage of tall lookouts.
And is always on the prowl for something out of the ordinary.
We are in safe paws with our new Agent Orange.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Sarah, Sarah!
You have opened a can of worms! Never, ever ask me questions....I will answer.
Drum roll, please. Now for THE QUESTIONS:
What is your current obsession?
Drinking Dr Pepper
What is my weirdest obsession?
Putting lotion on my feet
What are you wearing today?
A wife beater tee shirt, worn out shorts, no shoes, no bra. Scary?
What's for dinner?
What ever falls out of the fridge
What would you eat for your last meal?
What is the last thing you bought?
second hand jeans for my sister
What are you listening to right now?
The fan running, it has turned warm.
What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
What do you think of the person who tagged you?
Sarah is wonderfully sweet, loves to run when her tendon allows...doesn't like ice cream, you know.
If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished any where in the world, where would it be?
At The Farm
If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go?
What language would you want to learn?
What your favorite Quote (for now)?
Never drink down stream from the herd.
What is your favorite color?
What is your favorite piece of clothing in your wardrobe?
wife beater tee shirt
What is your dream job?
Retirement with three times the pay
What is your worst habit?
If you had 100 somethings to spend, what would you spend it on?
Some one else.
Do you admire any one's style?
Never really thought about it
Describe your personal style?
Casual and comfortable
What are you going to do after this?
find something to eat
What is your favorite movies?
Same Time Next Year, The Grey Fox, Sylvester, Anne of Green Gables
What is your favorite fruit?
chocolate...bear with me here, sugar come from sugar cane and cocoa from beans, so couldn't chocolate be a fruit?
What inspires you?
It could be anything, a leaf, a cloud, a look, a touch...
Your favorite book?
The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon
Do you collect something?
Things that please me.
What is your favorite smell?
the smell of a horse
What is your fave HGTV show?
Decorating Cents
Thank you, Sarah, for thinking of me. Now you know all my deep dark secrets and I am posting them to the world.
Drum roll, please. Now for THE QUESTIONS:
What is your current obsession?
Drinking Dr Pepper
What is my weirdest obsession?
Putting lotion on my feet
What are you wearing today?
A wife beater tee shirt, worn out shorts, no shoes, no bra. Scary?
What's for dinner?
What ever falls out of the fridge
What would you eat for your last meal?
What is the last thing you bought?
second hand jeans for my sister
What are you listening to right now?
The fan running, it has turned warm.
What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
What do you think of the person who tagged you?
Sarah is wonderfully sweet, loves to run when her tendon allows...doesn't like ice cream, you know.
If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished any where in the world, where would it be?
At The Farm
If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go?
What language would you want to learn?
What your favorite Quote (for now)?
Never drink down stream from the herd.
What is your favorite color?
What is your favorite piece of clothing in your wardrobe?
wife beater tee shirt
What is your dream job?
Retirement with three times the pay
What is your worst habit?
If you had 100 somethings to spend, what would you spend it on?
Some one else.
Do you admire any one's style?
Never really thought about it
Describe your personal style?
Casual and comfortable
What are you going to do after this?
find something to eat
What is your favorite movies?
Same Time Next Year, The Grey Fox, Sylvester, Anne of Green Gables
What is your favorite fruit?
chocolate...bear with me here, sugar come from sugar cane and cocoa from beans, so couldn't chocolate be a fruit?
What inspires you?
It could be anything, a leaf, a cloud, a look, a touch...
Your favorite book?
The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon
Do you collect something?
Things that please me.
What is your favorite smell?
the smell of a horse
What is your fave HGTV show?
Decorating Cents
Thank you, Sarah, for thinking of me. Now you know all my deep dark secrets and I am posting them to the world.
Orange, A Tail With No End
First, I would like to point out the originality of the name. I did not know there were rules about naming cats at the farm.

After a week, I asked Marcy what she named the kitten and she informed me, I brought him, I was supposed to name him. She said I have being calling him orange...so meet Orange, our no tail kitten.
This is an enjoyment in itself, to have a different color to call the cat instead of gray, and big gray and little gray. So orange has stuck and is fitting in quite nicely.
No tail Orange has settled right in, these are his adopted siblings.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Back To The Doctor
I cannot seem to kick this infection! My foot is better, now my left knee has it. I have new antibiotics and new salve.
I am going to climb on my doctor like Princess on this car if things do not get better soon!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
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