That was my walk today. I had a holiday so took advantage of it. Enjoyed the weather before the rain settles back in for at least four days according to the map.
I went to town which I hate to do with a passion. I could still have cooked for another four to five weeks but the guys were jonesing for the things we did not have...like pizza, ice cream, and something besides beef and deer meat(I know several ways to fix both without it tasting the same).
That is why I should have stayed home. After refreshing all the staples, cleaning supplies, and the extras I spent over two hundred dollars. That is plumb ridiculous! I do not know how people are making it. That is why I should have stayed home and made them eat beef.
You will not be hearing from Gypsy and I hear you saying, Thank Goodness! Gypsy has her own blog site with lots of other pound puppies. Check it out if you're missing her. http://fosterdogsatthefarm.blogspot.com/
We had a very rainy Monday; dark and dreary. It does not take long to spend a lot at the store. I try to make as few trips as possible.
Lovely photos! Rain beats snow! <:O]
Okra? Are you near Okrahoma?
I wish I knew all the names of things like the golden rod.
Northern Michigan is getting snow tonight, but the trees around here are beginning to turn and look beautiful. This is my favorite time of year (especially now since I'm post menopausal).
Your photos are beautiful.
Sounds like you had a nice walk on your holiday, but I agree that's a lot of money to spend in town!! Hopefully you got a lot of good food and supplies! When I head to wal mart, that's what I end up spending...and it makes me feel sick each time.
Have a great day!
That's an awful lot of money to spend at the store. I can't even imagine spending such an amount. It boggles my mind. Are you sure you needed all those things?
It's been raining here off and on. I don't mind it one bit, as long as I'm not out in it on my bike.
I LOVE GYPSY ROSE'S blog!!!! I think this will give her more exposure, and there will be a history of her, and so if you have any potential homes, direct them to the blog! THIS IS AWESOME! I LOVE IT! I LOVE IT! Oh did I mention, I LOVE IT! LOL
I hate shopping too! My kids are no longer at home, and I spend just as much these days as I did when I was supporting them! UGH!
That's true, the history part is great. I'd love it if I adopted a dog and I could go to his blog and see what he had been doing!
It's great to adopt a dog from a rescue period because the rescue is going to put the dog in the right home. What if Gypsy was adopted straight from the pound and some big chicken farmer adopted her? There would be a lot of stress and heartache for all involved. Rescues are great.
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