a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Friday, May 31, 2013

Oklahoma Sandy and Family in Norman Oklahoma...

are safe.  I just spoke to her on the phone.  The thunder storms still hang over them but hopefully the worst has passed.  These tornadoes tonight followed some of the same paths as the previous disaster.  Major flooding and I know many things have happened that cannot be seen til daylight. The storming is expected to hang on for hours.

Sandy our Oklahoma Transient does not know how their home fared but they have dodged the severe weather. Sandy, Hubby, Son and Dogs are safe.

Pray for all  in the middle of this true test of courage and faith.


Katidids said...

THANK YOU!!!! I've been worried all evening. Really appreciate you posting the update

Phelan said...

Thank you. We have been worried.

1st Man said...

Ditto here, been watching CNN and TWC all night long. Crazy days in Oklahoma, let's hope it's all over.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the update. I've been worried. Oh, btw Hello! Nice to meet you!!!

Lynne said...

Thank you for the update . . . these storms have been dreadful!

DesertHen said...

I have been following her posts all day! So very, very scary! You are a good friend to be checking up on them and posting for us all! I hope the weather in your area is okay and calm?

LilliStJohn said...

We saw that on the internet news up here and so glad to hear your friends and home are safe. I cannot imagine the fear of a tornado - the last one we saw on the news was a mile wide - that's just scary. Take care and warm hugs to you and yours.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so happy Sandy and her family are safe, we saw yet more storms struck there last night and other states to 17 in 4 states. i thought of you because it mentioned AR, so I am thinking this means you are ok to. the news said that since Obama became president there have been 30 natural disasters for him to over see, and all 30 were more than a billion each ...nature has gone wild.

TexWisGirl said...

just reading this morning about the deaths and devastation - once again...

Sketching with Dogs said...

So pleased to hear this. Thanks for letting us know.
Lynne x

Farm Girl said...

I have been praying I am glad you are safe and so is your friends and family. I kept wondering about you yesterday.

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

Thanks for the update. So scary for so many we care about. Oma Linda

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

That's good to hear!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I'm glad her and her family are safe.

Dreaming said...

I saw the prelude to the storm on TV while waiting in the airport. We had to fly around the massive storms. Scary stuff!

Anonymous said...

Glad your friends are safe! Bill drove through the Arkansas storms and then the Oklahoma storms. His rig actually lifted off the ground, tipping toward another. He is okay, though there was some that were not.

LindaG said...

Glad to hear your friends are safe, Gail. ♥

Empty Nester said...

Oh gosh, I think about those precious souls every single day. How awful and terrifying!

Susan Anderson said...

Glad your loved ones are okay. Those storms are so treacherous.

So sad for all the lives lost.


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