a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Monday, March 10, 2014

What I've Been Doing...

to keep from going stir crazy.  I cleaned all the appliances, cabinets and have a casserole baking.
I try to crochet when I sit because Granny always said, Idle hands are the devil's workshop.
I've begun to work up the old blue jeans into quilts.  Waste not want not.

The snow clings to mountains and shadowed places.  We have a hint of spring but is it real?  I'm so grateful to see brown!


Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I've started my afghan, but have torn it out twice. I think I am going to have to wait on new glasses. I like to see brown too, when the ground has been covered up with snow. Now for some green!

Willow said...

I still have about 5 scarfs that I wanted to finish and give for Christmas (past) now will be done for NEXT Christmas hopefully.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Brown is my lawn all winter long.
Glad your snow is gone.

Susan Kane said...

I am anxiously watching my lilac bushes, as they are leafing a month early. Last time I had a sprig of the delight was April 2011.

Denim quilts require a good machine. What kind do you have?

Kathryn Dyche said...

Your gran would hate me :0) I remember trying to make a quilt out of denim. Think I almost got a broken machine needle in my eye. Took me a while before I realize sewing wasn't my thing. Mum makes the most beautiful quilts though. Sounds like you've got the 'wind-up-your-bum' as my friend would say with all that cleaning, cooking and crocheting. Been a lazy one this end . . . might get around to some cleaning and laundry tomorrow, but then again . . .

TexWisGirl said...

spring cleaning - what a concept!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh you are busy no idle hands for you. That is going to be a nice warm quilt. Hug B

ellen abbott said...

I thought spring was here and so did most the plants. Then we had a hard freeze and icy rain.

Lynne said...

Sounds like you are doing good things as you wait for the green. No idle in you . . .

Farm Girl said...

You have been so busy. Gosh, I think that is wonderful. I always feel so much better when I have something in my hands. Yep my granny said the same thing all of the time too.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

When I thought the warm up was coming! I washed all the windows....now I have to do them again...I have to start crocheting again!!!!...:)JP

MadSnapper n Beau said...

great idea on the denim quilt, hope we get to see the finished project. i did all that yucky cleaning to, the big problem is, by this time next week it will need it again.... phooey. where my maid???? glad you are seeing brown and hoping it is green soon. and my wish for you is flipflop weather

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