a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Attempting Tetractys

can not
write on cue
it never comes
forced art is an unremarkable art

art is born with wings flying from the soul
born of itself
giving voice
with faith
while trying to learn new forms.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

so very true.. all art comes from within the heart, writing, painting, photography, all of it

eileeninmd said...

Your writing is an art and I enjoy the images. Pretty and colorful fish. Lovely post!

Farm Girl said...

That is just lovely. I love your fish too.

Sketching with Dogs said...

That is very true, we create our best art when we are happiest.
Lynne x

Sanaa Rizvi said...

Loved this! Art needs our undivided attention and loads of flair with imagination :D

Michaele said...

That's why I bet you go on about your dat with a pen and paper in your pocket - to capture it when it does come. I imagine your mind is always working on something interesting.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

These are fun! I've written a few, but nothing as good as this.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Sometimes forced art is a necessity just to get going... but you are right--it's more often than not unremarkable.

LilliStJohn said...

This is most true. I am inspired by what I see and feel and there are times that I cannot get pen to paper fast enough......i have had times when I have lost that moment, so I carry my iphone with me all the time and I can jot down thoughts or notes. Your fish are really big. Do they stay in the bottom all winter?

Lynne said...

So very true . . . (I liked!)

Anonymous said...

I used to belong to writing groups where we did this kind of exercise. I can often write a fiction piece from a prompt, but not too often with poetry. It is just too personal for me. It is always interesting to see how writing evolves, even within one person.

Anonymous said...

Hi Gail--I like writing on cue! But I know it is not for all! Thanks for this diverting poem. I do not think your link is correct at Toads--K.

Jinksy said...

Writing on cue needs discipline, which in itself is a teacher! :-)

Vinay Leo R. said...

Though I find cues everywhere, it's more of the interest in that cue that brings a verse than the cue itself :) I liked your poetry.

Theresa Milstein said...

Some prompts are inspirational. Others... not so much.

Anonymous said...

art is born with wings flying from the soul - that is so true! - Justjoyfulness

Rosemary Nissen-Wade said...

You create the contrast very effectively here in the different tone of your two halves.

C.C. said...

Great imagery with the wings flying from the soul.....and I love the tetractys....just learned about this form recently and I think you created it beautifully here :-)

Unknown said...

I must feel the same way. I'm never attracted to paintings that are precise, 'just-so', labored. I love the movement of freedom in imagery, a sense of abandonment.

Margaret said...

Ha! I agree.

rallentanda said...

I love poems that are written from the heart... My favourites. Good job with tetractys form.

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