a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Tuesday, December 8, 2015


i found out
i couldn't juggle
the ups
the downs

someone said
take this you feel good
I flew
into the dark stars

fell flat on my face
thought that
was worth the trip
looked for more

live only for more
don't make no difference
just a high any high
so's i could believe

i was somebody
i could juggle
i was a super hero

with ups there's downs
dark stars closed in
dark spaces between
kept the secret

it fried my soul
used up
nothing to trade
i fell into the fire

alone not high
with no real heart
i pick up pieces
to learn to juggle again


Amber said...

tragic tale Gail and brilliantly told

Anonymous said...

dark stars closed in
dark spaces between
kept the secret....like those lines!!!

Jim said...

That's how it is. I was really good at 42's, a Texas domino game, while I was on Vicodin for my knee joint transplant. That stuff was hard to get off. You told that part well too, it was horrible, and took a long time with several tries.

Sketching with Dogs said...

There must be lots of people who can identify with your poem of highs and lows of addiction.
Lynne x

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we watched a movie two nights ago that the 13 year old girl fell into the fire of addiction. it was really scary to watch her fall down that hole

Michaele said...

Well written. Really neat photo prompt too. You always do so well.

LindaG said...

Yup. Well done.

eileeninmd said...

Well done! I have heard many awful true stories of addiction, it is not good! Enjoy your day!

brudberg said...

A lot of things that's not really right... when addiction settles between two hearts.

Mrs Shoes said...

I lost someone to addiction.
It broke my heart when people said that "he chose that life".
Fools that say that don't know shit about addiction.
Thank you for your poem; powerful words.

Buddah Moskowitz said...

Great narrative here. I like the simple, everyday language - does not romanticize the topic. I wrote something similar - thanks, Mosk

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh you amazingly talented poet you. You did it again. Incredible I love your poems. Hug B

Lynne said...

Deep . . . in truth . . .
Addiction weaves such a twist into the addicted as well as those who love them . . .
One of your best Gail . . .

Sherry Blue Sky said...

You have captured the hellish cycle to perfection.

Linda Kay said...

Gail, you have certainly captured the addiction mind in your poem, and your collage is wonderful. Knowing people who struggle with the disease, I felt the struggle in your words.

Anonymous said...

A tale of tragedy well told, my friend.

Marian said...

Ugh, ugh and the lost heart.

Helen said...

Beautifully composed, hard to read! Good job, Gail .....

Lee said...

Well done!

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