a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Country Grandpa

In 1988 there was a contest for country grandpas in the Country Magazine.  My daughters wanted to tell a story about Grandpa Pete, my dad, so they did with a little help from me.
The introduction to a double page of winning grandpas from all over the nation.
The girls were so excited to give Grandpa a copy of the magazine.  He received some congratulatory letters and one said how wonderful it was to have someone from Arkansas in a national magazine.

One thing wrong...they were sledding not skiing.  Those folks weren't so country after all.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

what a wonderful story and memory. sledding makes more sense, i was wondering how he skied over and into the creek,, the sled i can see.. was this when they were still in school?

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

That's so awesome! What a treat for the whole family.

Lynne said...

Love it . . .
And the "skiing/sledding" part . . .
I can see him flying down the hill and your girls watching . . .
Nice "keeper!"
Love that photo on the magazine front . . .

Mrs Shoes said...

What a lovely thing for your daughter to think of, & when they were so young. Just foes to show the power a Grampa holds in the lives of the luckiest kids.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, wonderful memory and a nice tribute to Grandpa Pete.
I am sure your daughters loved to go sledding with their Grandfather. Enjoy your day and the weekend ahead!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Well, is this the girl's grandpa? Or a man who lives in his state? anyway, what a great idea your daughters had!

Anonymous said...

This is a sweet memory. I bet Andrew enjoys this, too. Bill did that same thing, once. He broke the sled, too.

Inger said...

What a sweet post and such great picture of your dad. It tells more about him than words, I think.

TexWisGirl said...

he had a kind face.

Martha said...

Oh, this is so special! Such a wonderful post. That is definitely a very special grandpa.

Country Gal said...

What lovely memories and stories ! I love to sit back and listen to the older folk here tell all their stories it so fun and interesting . Lovely post , Thanks for sharing , have a good weekend !

Far Side of Fifty said...

That is a real keeper of a Magazine:)

Empty Nester said...

Hahaha! I can just see him on that sled! My granddad was the best, too. He's been gone over 30 years and I still miss him every day.

Susan Anderson said...

What a great way to honor him. I think a sledding grandpa sounds more fun than a skiing grandpa….a little closer to Santa.


Lowcarb team member said...

So special - and a joy to read.
Thank you for sharing

All the best Jan

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