a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Mud Dauber Whisperer

It's time for the young ones to emerge from their little dirt houses and continue the tradition of their elders...spider catching.

When one accidentally gets in the house I help it out to the great outdoors.  I catch and release.  Andrew was watching me.  He said, You're gonna get stung.  I replied, No, not if I'm gentle.  He didn't believe me as I coaxed one onto my hand.  Walking toward the outside another one landed on my shoulder.  I slowly walked to the door and set both free outside.
I think Andrew was a little amazed.  
I am the Dauber Whisperer.
I tried to capture a picture of the elusive blue/black Mud Dauber but you will have to settle for the plain ones. I worked hard to get these photos of a Mud Dauber gathering mud to make his nests.

You may see the Blue Mud Daubers here. They are good guys because they gather spiders. They can sting but rarely do unless they are hurt.  Set one free today!


Callie Brady said...

Congratulations! I have always been amazed at their building techniques, I am afraid of getting stung.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I will tell bob they are spider catchers.. he is constantly battling the mud daubs inside the garage... but i don't think it will matter because i am terrified of all things that fly, wasps and bees and mud daubers. if one is swooping in side the garage i can't get in the car to drive out or out to go in the house. i can't believe you did that when you are allergic, they could kill you...

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I'll remember that if I see one. We mostly get the large dark wasps here. They do sting and hurts like hell.

Martha said...

That is wonderful, Gail! I love that you do that. I catch and release the critters that find their way into our home. And I try to get to them before the cats do!

21 Wits said...

Home sweet home, couldn't be any sweeter. Thanks for this, it makes my morning so much better!

LilliStJohn said...

I have never seen these here, but do have wasps, yellow jackets, hornets and I can only say the yellow jackets are just plain nasty all the time. So, you add Mud Dauber Whisperer to the list. Way to go Sista. H to M :)

Farm Girl said...

I am so glad you are the mud dauber whisperer. I have always enjoyed watching them too. I remember when I was little and there was a nest at the end of my grandmother's porch, I spent many hours observing them. Reading your story and looking at your pictures reminded me of those summer days. Have a wonderful 4th Gail.

LindaG said...

That is good to know. We mostly have the bad ones here. I would like to free them; but if they come in the house, they die. As long as they stay outside, they can live.
As long as they don't put their nest in the awning over my door, where they can come in as soon as I open it.

You are amazing, Gail. I could not do it.
Hope you all have a safe, blessed Independence Day!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Good Grief!!! What a shocking post! You are amazing and awesome! But I would love anything that kills spiders. I don't think I knew anything abut them or how they look, so now I know. They look a bit like European Paper Wasps. How did you learn such a thing? I bet there is no insect you are afraid of! Your pictures are wonderful, and show how they look so well. The black and yellow striped legs do look like a warning! So often, brightly marked and colored creatures means to stay away; they can kill!

Anonymous said...

We have both of these up here. In fact, they love to build near Bill's work bench in the garage. They fly around him with equal respect. I have no issue, just do not want to upset them.
Yellow jackets and hornets...heck, no. I will not tolerate them.

Arkansas Patti said...

I admire your catch and release methods. You really are a whisperer. Not sure everyone could pull that off.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I don't have a good relationship with any insect that stings. The main reason I don't like daubers is because they won't stay off of my bricks. I am liking my son's honey bees though...starting to see them buzz around my flowers. He's up to two houses now, with plans for a third.

Inger said...

Not familiar with Daubers, don't think we have them here. Or in Sweden where I grew up.

Lux G. said...

Ooh, sounds like a mysterious creature. I must admit it's my first time to see it.

Lee said...

Good for you! And reading your post made me smile. You show proof of being a gentle, kind soul. :)

Adam said...

I wouldn't want those in my house

Lynne said...

You amaze me woman!

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