a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Sling Blade and Freedom Writing

For those who have known me a long time you probably have sensed a distance in my posts. For that I apologize.  I am dealing with family issues and limited funds. I must acknowledge I can't "fix" every thing.  I have buried myself in work as a solution. Believe me there is no shortage of work here in which to bury myself.  I just look at what's in front of me and deal with that.  I can't think ahead or behind so I stay in the moment. And I pray.  Both have an up side...prayer and work. Working in the heat outside from early morning to mid to late afternoon is kin to a gym membership without fees or a chain gang, I haven't decided.

I did forget one thing.  I have friends here and I have not shared.  Again, I apologize.

Today I dropped.  I slept. I cooked.  I did laundry.  I fed the animals.  I rested.  I watched the news.  The sorry state of this election is far scarier than inside my mind..  I fear it may boil down to which candidate the country hates the least.  I may be mourning the loss of the America I used to know.  Life is fluid and all things change but the changes I have witnessed in our government are very sad indeed. To me, there is only one hope, as scary as it is, Trump.  I've known Hillary for a long time and believe me, she is one scary lady.

Before you stop reading, this is a story of hope.  A story about two movies:  Sling Blade and Freedom Writers Diary.  I would recommend both.  They are older movies but the message in both is timeless.

Whether I'll be able to pay the bills this month is yet to be seen but today I saw hope and love in both these movies.  Maybe I "rested" for a reason.  Maybe I needed to hear these messages.

Bad comes with all kinds of faces.  With these movies I saw many different kinds of bad but also so much good.  I saw hope.  I didn't see a solution but for a few hours I believed there is a solution for every problem. I just have to find it.

I will continue banal posts waiting for the light at the end of the tunnel knowing there is a solution. So please bear with me while I seek my solution,..no, I'm not killing anyone! And I will always pray.


Weekend-Windup said...

Everything will be going good.Don't worry.

Gorges Smythe said...

Prayer is the best option, obviously. I'll say one for you after I make this comment.

TexWisGirl said...

prayer and hope - sometimes it's all we have to hold onto.

TexWisGirl said...

...and the power of people pulling for you - can be amazing.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

add to the prayer sharing with us and others. i am a firm believer in sharing what is happening in our lives with other people. not whining about it but sharing, like you did hear.. we can add prayers to yours and also it is a release to say or write what is going on... i think the reason i have never had to take anxiety pills is because i talk talk talk about whatever it is, even sometimes to strangers, poor people.... my mother and my grandmother and myself always said and believe this... This to shall pass...and sometimes i add BUT WHEN? love you

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Adding my prayers as well.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, I believe all will work out in the end. Sometimes rest is just what is needed. I will join in with my prayers too.

Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

Susan said...

You seem like a strong, intelligent woman with a great deal of compassion. I'm sure you will come through this trial. I agree that 'our' America is not what it used to be, and probably never will be again. Change is not always easy or pretty.

Harry Flashman said...

Your posts are not banal at all. I thoroughly enjoy them. Don't let the political situation get you down. Living in the country like you do, even major disruptions will not have much of an impact on you or me, or others in the countryside.

financial issues tend to work out. Life is always up and down with those, no matter how rich or otherwise a person is.

Keep your spirits up.

Sketching with Dogs said...

I know what you mean, our elections usually comes down to who you hate least and who won't screw the country up most. What a sorry state of affairs.
Hope you enjoy your rest and your film.
Lynne x

21 Wits said...

Prayers, and hope, two gifts we always have! Sending hugs as well as good wishes to you!

Josie Two Shoes said...

Although it is impossible not to worry, we have to believe that things will work out ok, maybe not in the way we want or hope, but in the way God wants them to be. I know He loves me and He loves you too! I also understand staying busy as a way to counteract getting sucked into the dark hole of anxiety and depression. Some days I work hard, some days I hide from life. I know that isn't the answer, I have to stay moving and praying for the right direction. I will continue to pray for you and your struggles to. I believe in the power of prayer. And like you, I think we'd all better pray for our country if these two are the very best candidates we have to choose from. There is no basis for trust in either case. Hold tight to the ones you love, we've made it this far and we aren't going down with the ship now! XOXO

Anonymous said...

I am not in your boat, but I am in the one right next to you. I understand everything you said here. You are in my prayers.

LindaG said...

Praying, too. You know how I feel about the country. Same as you. Praying God will take pity on us and help us turn it around again.
Praying that God will show you a way through.
*hugs* and God bless. ♥

Arkansas Patti said...

I know how dark things can sometime get but I also know that things generally work out just fine in time and prayer does work. I am alive today as a result of prayer, much of if from people I'd never met. If we just keep putting that one foot forward eventually all our obstacles are behind us. Hope you are soon only using your rear view mirror to see them. You are in my prayers also.

Debbie said...

have you ever heard the verse "it is only in darkness that you can see the stars"?? this post reminded me of that saying!! i think perhaps you feel that.

i myself have been though many dark and difficult times, hope got me through!! having a positive spirit. i remember feeling it was not possible but they are two feelings that helped me get through it!!

you should share your thoughts here. you have a lot of friends and support here...people who understand and care. sometimes talking about it helps!!!!

Martha said...

I'm sorry you struggle, Gail. I hope everything turns out well. I enjoy whatever posts you share. They are always interesting.

T. Powell Coltrin said...

With prayer comes strength and knowledge. Both candidates are worthless. God is bigger. Sorry about family stuff. I really hate that stuff worst of all. It's too close and painful.


Lee said...

Firstly...you and your posts are never banal, my girl!!

I saw "Sling Blade" years ago, and I liked it. Billy Bob is always good in whatever he does. I loved him in "Fargo"....the TV version of the movie "Fargo". He and Martin Freeman were brilliant in the TV series...the first season.

I've not seen "Freedom Writers Diary"...but, Swank, too, is always good.

Try to keep your chin up, Gail....try to take time for yourself....I wish you well.

Lee said...

PS...I must apologise...I've been involved in watching the Olympics and therefore am running behind in catching up on blogs and responding to posts thereon.

gld said...

Gail my heart goes out to you.
I am glad you shared and took a day off; we all need those.

Re-group and think positive thoughts. We are all with you and praying for you.

I watched Trump's speech today and felt better about his candidacy. We do need to turn this great country around and we need a change to do that.
He isn't my choice but he may be the best we can do now.
I will be thinking of you and wish you peace and solutions.

Lynne said...

Love you . . .

Susan Anderson said...

I am praying for both of us...and the country. Seems we are riding a bit of a stormy river these days, but like you, I believe the Lord has a plan for everyone. And I am determined to trust it.


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