a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Friday, December 23, 2016

Sam Elliott

could sell me a bag of ice in Antarctica or a bag of sand in the Sahara Desert.  I love his voice.  I can hear him talking in another room and run just to hear him better.  Hubby is not threatened at all by this.  It amuses him and sometimes will hunt for a Sam Elliott show just to see me run!
 Sam Elliot advertised for Dodge..."Ram Tough"...but I didn't buy the Dodge.  
Andrew did.
It's not new but it's new to Andrew.
He also doesn't know Sam Elliott!
Joining the working force full time Andrew faces the world bravely
with guitar in hand and Ram Tough.


Sandy Livesay said...


Congratulations to Andrew!!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Beautiful truck and I LOVE SAM ELLIOTT... if you find him selling ice or sand let me know and I will be right there. I love his voice to.

Josie Two Shoes said...

Well done, Andrew, making your way in the world, and making wonderful music too! I was telling Papa Bear just last night that Dos Equis should have made Sam their new "Most Interesting Man in the World" instead of the rather unappealing guy they've chosen, Sam's voice and the smile in his eyes is enough to make even us old women swoon!

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

Oh Andrew, congrats to you and I know you will be successful at all you try. As for Sam, swoon and smile. Yep, anytime I hear him, I am the same way.

Anonymous said...

Hubby says he "Looks like Sam Elliot". In other words, he's tall, has greying hair and mustache and wrinkles on his face". LOL Have you seen the show "The Ranch" on Netflix. Lots of f-bombs, but so hilarious...

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Awesome! All a dude needs is his guitar and a set of wheels and he's dangerous.

Sketching with Dogs said...

That looks like a great truck for Andrew!
Lynne x

Anonymous said...

With a guitar and being Ram Tough, Andrew is going to make ladies swoon, too. He does you and Den proud, I have no doubt.

You and Sam Elliott...wow. I must say, you have good taste. And, hubby? He's a hoot, too.

Arkansas Patti said...

Good looking truck and he sure looks good in it.
Me too about Sam Elliott. His voice takes me away to a neat place where just he and I live:)

Elephant's Child said...

Sam Elliot? Colour me clueless.
Hooray for Andrew. I hope that life is exciting and melodious for him.

Empty Nester said...

Girl, get in line! LOL Andrew will need to be ram tough to face the world. He'll also need his guitar to find some peace. :)

Martha said...

When they don't know who Sam Elliott is, it shows just how young they are! I should ask my daughters if they know him. I wouldn't be surprised if they said "Who?"

I understand completely, Gail because I also LOVE this man's voice.

And great truck. Congratulations to Andrew. He must be so happy.

Ginny Hartzler said...

A good truck! Yes, I have seen a few Sam Elliot movies in my day. I think he is or was married to Elizabeth Ross. She was a famous actress who seemed to drop off the face of the earth.

Lee said...

I love Sam Elliott...and that voice of his!!!

I wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas, Gail. Take care...enjoy. :)

LindaG said...

Congratulations to Andrew.
Merry Christmas and God bless to you all.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Congrats on the truck, Andrew. And oh my swoon- I love Sam Elliott!!! Merry Christmas to all of y'all!

Lowcarb team member said...

A great truck ... happy driving Andrew!

All the best Jan

LilliStJohn said...

WOW, NICE TRUCK.....Good for you Andrew. Love the bit about the guitar....always hang on to that. Sam Elliott, he,he I know.....he will have his own idols, eh. Congrats on the full time job sweetie. lol

Far Side of Fifty said...

Nice truck! I am happy for Andrew!! :)

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