a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Saturday, March 2, 2013


Do dogs dream?  I know they do because Lizzy's legs move while she sleeps and her dream voice quietly barks.  I certainly hope she is the pursuer and not the pursued.. I certainly hope she doesn't have nightmares..
Ah, gee!  Enough already with the camera.  I had that snake by the middle...or did he have me?  I forgot.

Many of you may remember when I weakened the last time and drove a very long way to choose Number Eighteen.  It was a good choice.  Lizzy or Number Eighteen as she will always be on record was and is the perfect choice.  That was six months ago and I haven't had any urges to acquire more strays.  Could it be I have all I'm going to rescue?

Lizzy is an in and out dog.  She's in when it's cold and out the rest of the time.  She herds cattle with the big guys and is quick enough to avoid the cow's kick and the bull's swinging head.  She observes the snake patrol.  She is a good spotter but has not graduated to the pest control team yet.  Lizzy is also on constant guard to incoming strangers, animal or human.

I hope Number One through Number Hundred Plus all found a great home like Lizzy did.

Lizzy is not a whiner nor a yapper.  She is not clingy nor sissy.  She cuddles when I want but does not beg for the attention.  She listens even when I am just talking to myself.  What a good dog.
With all these perfect orbs showing up, I like to think all the family likes her too.

When the time comes for another dog...and that time will come...it always does....I'm getting something a little bigger.


Lynne said...

Lizzy has the best mom!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

She sounds like the perfect dog - you were both lucky!

Country Gal said...

Lizzy and you are made for each other . She is such a sweet girl sounds a lot like our Miggs . She looks to be very at home and loved and that's the main thing . Cute photos. Have a good day !

Josie Two Shoes said...

Delightful dog, so lucky to have your place to call home! Want to hear more about those orbs! How many generations have lived in your home? How often do you see orbs? All thru the house or just some rooms? Nice to have company! :-)

TexWisGirl said...

she found the perfect soft hearted home.

Anonymous said...

This is a very interesting and loving post. I enjoyed it. I believe in such connections. They are strong and powerful. The animal/human bond is unique, and I believe it can be unbreakable. Thank you for sharing this. I relate.

Michaele said...

Scrappy little dogs like her really are the best companions - not matter what you are doing.

the canned quilter said...

I really am a fan of those little terrier/terrier mixtures. I think as a whole for a family/farm dog they can't be beat. On the farm a terrier or a hound both have a place in my heart.

Primitive Stars said...

So happy she found you....Lizzie is a sweetie, Francine.

Sandy Livesay said...


Lizzy is a sweetheart!

She fits right in with her family, the other dogs, and knows when to herd the cows. What more can you ask for?

Give her and her fellow pups a scratch behind the ears for me.

Farm Girl said...

I have liked Lizzy since you brought her home. I hope the others found as nice of a home as she did.

DesertHen said...

Lizzy has fit in perfectly with your pack. She is a cutie!

Our dog runs, kicks and yips while sleeping. I think she is chasing balls...lol.

I have a cat that has nightmares and wakes up making terrible noises and gets upset!

Kathi Oram Peterson said...

Lizzy sounds like a good dog. I have a Lizzie dog too except my do is a yorkie. Love the pictures.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

this makes me happy all over again that your rescued number 18, she is perfect for you and for your farm... bring on the big dog...

LilliStJohn said...

My Jack dreams - she is lying in her bed or on the floor and her legs move like she is running and she makes little barks or soft noise. I think she is dreaming about playing in the field and chasing balls...............and she snores when in a deep sleep.
The Dogs are most fortunate to have you there Gail - I know the time comes when they pass away and I do not put down my caring and loving of them as each one passes on - I give some respectful time and thoughts to my pets that have passed and my thoughts are "A house isn't complete without a paw-paw", so we start looking. I hear a lot of people say they could never have or want another dog - I don't understand that. We have always had a dog and its just part of having a home. Did those orbs just show up when you took the photo - Neat.

Brian Miller said...

i had a hound growing up...he was my best friend...had another friend who had a great dane...they are huge! i hope your next is a stray as well...they need love...all our cats have been strays as well...

Pat said...

Lizzy is such a sweetie pie! She has such human-like expressions! I would LOVE to see you with a Great Dane! Er, that sounds kinky, and I really didn't mean it that way! ;)

LindaG said...

I think all animals dream. I know dogs and cats both do.
I like to think they are dreaming good things. :-)
Sorry I've been so busy. Miss hearing from you. ♥
Have a wonderful week!

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