a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Frost's Form

Our mission for today is to write using Robert Frost's form for dVerse~Poets Pub

It matters not what we write
We check if form is right
On paper I laboriously pen
Hoping I finish this night

I write the verse and begin
To see what comes from my blend
It's hopeless I can see
One more verse and it will end

I create the second of three
I almost finish this gleefully 
Mr Frost would not be glad
I've butchered his form so horribly

A fourth verse must be had
To keep the form true not bad
So I've added to my writing pad
To prove I am stark raving mad


Sherry Blue Sky said...

Not so badly at all....and you did it! Yay! I enjoyed the challenge of writing to a form, too, as it is so easy to churn out free verse and avoid having to keep to rhythm and syllables. But it was a fun exercise, wasnt it?

brudberg said...

Not so bad at all.. Personally my free verse often come out iambic, but you did great here.. (though I do understand you cut it down from 4 to 3 stanzas).

Jae Rose said...

I'm sure he wouldn't mind ;)

Buttons Thoughts said...

You make these challenges seem so easy. Good job. Hug B

Scarlet said...

I am smiling at the end...Not bad as we all struggle with the form and I also cheat using the rhyming dictionary ~ Good job Gail ~


Brian Miller said...

haha....when it comes to form i feel much the same....i feel mine came off rather clunky....i much rather like mine free verse to roam where it will...

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

That is awesome! You wrote a poem about trying to write a poem.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

your poem is safe with me, since I have never read Frost and have no clue what the form should be. that said this looks great to me... when i read the title i thought you were writing about Frost in you yard

Beachanny said...

Funny and clever - you did change it up a bit - 3 stanzas instead of four, and not all the lines iambic - but these exercises are not to chain us but to free us. One has to learn the rules to break them, and by taking on Frost I think we all learned a lot. Thank you for taking the challenge and for a fun and enjoyable poem!

TexWisGirl said...

made me laugh. :)

Sketching with Dogs said...

There speaks a dedicated poet!
Lynne x

Unknown said...

these thoughts were running through my head as I wrote mine... with every verse I was like, "what words to rhyme next?!? OMG" hahah... clever write... spot on form

hyperCRYPTICal said...

I am sure he wouldn't mind too. Your words made me smile.
Anna :o]

brudberg said...

Ha. Love that addition.

LindaG said...

Haha. That's a cute one, Gail.
Have a blessed weekend!

Kathy Reed said...

Good job! I think that to write in Robert Frost's fashion would mean choosing very carefully the theme and words, so it would flow naturally; it would be hard to duplicate his sensitivities.

Vandana Sharma said...

amazingly done

Anonymous said...

The important thing is writing from your heart; not the form, but what you say. But, you know that!

Lynne said...

I enjoyed this Miss Gail FROST!

Sabio Lantz said...

You slaughtered the form well -- if there is such a thing. And done it with good humor.

Good rhyme and form use. Fun stuff !

Susan Anderson said...


I've written a few in this form. It's a fun one to do, I think.


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