a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Who Ate The Cake?

Hubby has two favorite cakes.  For his birthday I cooked both his favorites, German Chocolate and Pineapple Upside Down.

I noticed the German Chocolate was going down fast.

I asked him, "So how's the German Chocolate?"

"It's good," he said, "Someone else likes it."

Puzzled, I asked, "You haven't eaten that whole cake?  There's just one piece left.  What about the Pineapple Upside Down?"

"That's Pineapple Upside Down?  I thought it was just a plain white cake."

"No, it's just not turned upside down.  It is pineapple".

Then he says, "There are two spoons in that chocolate cake.  Who's been eating that?"

"Not me! I had one piece."

Hubby said, "Well, I certainly don't use a spoon.  I put mine on a plate and enjoy it with a fork."

After a continuing discussion on who ate the cake, the truth came out at the doctor's office.  Hubby has lost nineteen pounds.  My pants are tight...the elastic topped ones!

I guess I've resorted to sleep eating since I too busy while I'm awake.

Last cake I'm making!


LilliStJohn said...

ha,ha sleep eating - h-m-m-m, that's dangerous, eh. My fav is pineapple upside down cake my Mum used to make . It was ooooh so good. Congrats D on the nineteen pounds.

Ornery Owl of Naughty Netherworld Press and Readers Roost said...

I learned not to care about the number on the scale after years of yo-yo dieting, bulimia, and being extremely hateful to myself. I wouldn't like to be sleep eating, though. I want to enjoy it!

eileeninmd said...

LOL, I have never heard of sleep eating. But, I guess it could happen. Both cakes sound yummy!

Anonymous said...

Oh, my...you don't remember? Or just aren't saying? *wink*

jo(e) said...

A German Chocolate cake wouldn't last very long in my house!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Congrats to hubby for the weight loss- I wish I could say the same. It's been a rough summer and I have eaten everything in the house it seems. I hope to get back on my diet before the holidays arrive...no hope for me if I don't.

Martha said...

Hahahaha! I love your wacky sense of humour :)

21 Wits said...

Oops! Well haven't I heard that there are fewer calories in sleep-walking-eating? Ha! Ha!

Sandy Livesay said...

You sneaky devil you, LOL!!!!!

Debbie said...

hehehe....pineapple upside down cake is my favorite!!!!

Maude Lynn said...

I wouldn't mind sleep eating a German chocolate cake!

Linda Kay said...

If I had a German Chocolate cake in the house, I might be sleep eating as well.

LindaG said...

I've only heard of eating in your sleep on TV or cartoons, but I suppose it could be possible.
Frankly, I'd be talking to Andrew. I bet he has to replenish his energy somehow!
Blessings to you all. ♥

P.S. Google is at it again. Despise verifications.

Arkansas Patti said...

I've heard of eat sleeping. Might need to padlock the refrigerator. Congrats on your hubby's weight loss.

Ida said...

That made me laugh! - I'd be eating the Pineapple Upside down one.

Farm Girl said...

haha that is so funny, oh well, I would eat both as they are my favorite too. That is so cute Gail, I mean you do need to keep up your strength.

Cozy Thyme Cottage said...

Haha! That is so funny! Visiting you from Connie's blog. My hubby likes those two kinds of cakes too. I never make the pineapple upside down cake though. Bad me! Nancy

MadSnapper n Beau said...

HA HA, did you ask Andrew? or Bonnie? or your Sister? i hope i never take up sleep eating, since my pants are tight from day eating. fantastic on the 19 down.. woo hooo.... my spoon would be in the pineaplle cake

gld said...

Sleep eating! a likely story......

Could you be like me....if I just have a spoon of dessert now and then....it isn't like having a whole piece. Is it?

Lynne said...

You have me smiling . . . his could your ants be tight with ALL the work you've been doing!
Happy about hubs 17 pounds though . . .
Your spoon, huh?

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