I have been working all weekend on loading pictures on cds. I had so many pictures, my computer would not defrag...now that's a lot of pictures. I am happy to say I have finished 2008 and have January and February '09 done. Just a few thousand to go!
I had been feeling tired and run down and just plumb lazy. Doc had put me on some Cholesterol medicine. I was hurting all over, my muscles, my joints, then I looked it up...side effects! So, unbeknowst to my doctor, I have stopped taking them. I am beginning to see the old me come alive again!
Now this is Monday and I've had a lively weekend. Work is heck on Monday(Can you tell me why people come a hour early to get their mail on Monday when they know there is two days of mail??) Anyway I was covered up with reports and suspenses and people mailing things, of course, that is my job so I did it and I did it well. At lunch, I wrote out my bills which is a job I always dread.
Then, here's the part where I don't know what's happening, I went to town from work, bought cleaning supplies and groceries, unloaded them, washed my car, washed the front porch, did laundry and dishes and took a shower because I am dripping wet from working so hard. What has gotten into me?
Lord, please let it continue!