a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Saturday Centus 137

Writing challenge by Jenny Matlock...100 words...first person.  Thanks, Ms Jenny!


I dedicate the holiday, Christmas, to myself and my family.

I am going to rise above the hiding and running from those silly dogs. I am going to walk upright on this day and declare, No More!

I am through sneaking up the side of the house, jumping to the roof of the next, clinging  to the light pole while jumping to the smoke house. Then, only then, am I able to enter the great store house of the pecan tree.

This day I will walk to the tree uncontested and enjoy my Christmas feast of pecans, unchallenged, unmolested.

Happy Holidays from all the squirrel folks At The Farm.


Josie Two Shoes said...

Purely delightful, both the pictures and the words! I grew up with the sound of squirrels scampering across the roof above my bedroom in the mornings. I loved it then and I miss it now!

TexWisGirl said...

ha ha! it was good while it lasted!

Dreaming said...

Very good... and oh, so true! Only Gypsy seems to understand critters in trees - she knows to look up for them. Poor Tucker, raised on the plains, where we don't have enough trees to encourage squirrels, is clueless. But, since he patrols the ground, your little squirrel would have to be twice as vigilant to make it across the yard!

Bookie said...

How cute! The ending is true nature of my pesky little critters that abound here!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

sweet! love this one... happy holidays for the squirrels.... sending you mine for Christmas... we don't want them any more

Brian Miller said...

haha fun...i love squirrels ....and that one is definitely determined....lol....sieze the day squirrel buddy!

Lynne said...

Cute and delightful . . . I am amazed you were able to get the Santa hat on Mr. Squirrel!

Dazee Dreamer said...

hahahaha. I love squirrels. I just can't believe they are part of the rat family. ick.

lissa said...

what a delightful take on the prompt

have a great holiday!

LindaG said...


Merry Christmas! Great photos. :o)

Splendid Little Stars said...

a squirrel can dream, can't she?!

Other Mary said...

Hahhaha - that's great! What a fun one. I hope you and the squirrel family have a Merry Christmas!

21 Wits said...

Oh goodness gracious I knew it! Squirrels are way to smart to give up all that fun squirrel stuff! Hooray for the nutty little guy!

EG CameraGirl said...

Thanks for the smile. :))

Susan Anderson said...

Oops. I forgot to write mine in first person, er I mean, squirrel.

Love yours!


Jenny said...

I am laughing so hard here!

What a wonderful read for a sunny and cold Saturday morning!

This was a delight! Thank you!

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