a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Things I Learned During The Holidays...

No matter how little or how much you cook, there will be leftovers...send food home with guests.

Family is family.  Different, strange, or just down right cantankerous, family is family and we love them.

The taste of food is directly related to the amount of calories.  The higher the calories, the better the taste.

Every one hears the call to dinner but few hear the call to wash the dishes.

Children under four will love the box their gift came in far better than the gift.

Clean house after company leaves.   That way you only have to clean it once.
Joining Two Shoes In Texas
for Two Shoes Tuesday #17
On your back
Your soul.


TexWisGirl said...

very cute, gail. :)

Anonymous said...

Great post! Wise words, well said.


Yep, everyone one of them true!
Thanks for sharing. Barb


Yep, everyone one of them true!
Thanks for sharing. Barb

Primitive Stars said...

Happy Happy Holidays Gail, Francine,

Josie Two Shoes said...

You've got family down to a T, Gail! Especially had to smile at folks turning deaf around time to do the dishes, I've noted that one before too! Sounds like a good time was had by all, and the little guy a the end is too precious for words! Thank you for joining in at Two Shoes Tuesday!

Dar said...

loving your insight on Christmas...or any celebration...especially the cleaning once. :)

Sandy Livesay said...

Always plenty of food and left overs to share for several days afterwards.
I agree family can be a monkey on your back or a smile that touches your soul.
Now pass me some ham!!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the one thing you learned is one I learned my whole life. the taste of the food is directly connected to the calories. i have said a zillion times, why can't lettuce taste like chocolate, or chocolate like lettuce. great post. hope you are not frozen solid this morning and safe from the storms

Irene said...

Some members of my family I like better than others. This Christmas I spent with one I love maybe the most. I also did not over indulge in any food except chocolates and they agreed with me very well. I would definitely count this Christmas among the success stories.

Rudee said...

And sometimes, one or two people will rise to the occasion without being asked to and wash all of the dishes while you're still nibbling on dessert. Those are the ones to make sure are always on the invitation!

LindaG said...

Hope you all had a great time, Gail. ♥

Empty Nester said...

Amen to all of those!

DesertHen said...

My son and daughter got up from the Christmas dinner table and cleaned up the kitchen for their Grandma and I. It was so nice! I even snapped photos so I have proof!

Jenny said...

Gosh. So true.

And what a sweet picture.

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