a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Monday, December 31, 2012

The Silver Moon...

The silver moon
Cries out to me
Come see
The brilliant night
She lights the way
For me to run
With packs
Than I can be.

The silver moon
Cries out to me
I cover my eyes
Not to see
Hearing coyotes
Yip, yip, yip
They sing
To me I ignore
The moon.

The silver moon
Cries out to me...


Primitive Stars said...

Beautiful Gail, love the verse and that picture......Wishing you and yours a Healthy and Happy New Year, Hugs Francine.

Irene said...

You are so in tune with nature and all its elements. I guess that's unavoidable given where you live but especially true for you. It must be the blood of your ancestors that courses through your veins. xox

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Nature and our surroundings drive so many of us! Good one, Gail!...:)JP

MadSnapper n Beau said...

really pretty one Gail

Buttons Thoughts said...

Beautiful Gail I love your poetry Happy New Year. Hug B

Lynne said...

Miss Poet . . . you cry out to me . . .
The best HAPPY New Year ever . . .

Pat said...

I have always been attracted to the moon. That seals it.....we are sistas from another mother! Those weren't coyotes yip-yipping at you! It was me- calling you out to play! a-oooh!

Country Gal said...

Awesome post and photo ! Have a Happy New Year !

DesertHen said...

The moon has been very pretty the last few nights reflecting on the icy landscape in our valley!

Lovely poem!

ellen abbott said...

Lots of silver moons in that picture. Happy New Year Gail.

LindaG said...

The moon always does that when I try to take pictures of it, too!
Great photo and a wonderful post, Gail.

Happy New Year! ♥

Sandy Livesay said...

Great moon and post Gail.

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

You have such a poetic and loving soul. Happy New Year, Gail! You have been a blessing to me.
Tons of love..(putting it mildly!)

Red Nomad OZ said...

So wild, so free - both picture and words found a place in my heart and mind! Happy New Year!

Brian Miller said...

ha. the moon calls me as well....packs wilder than me....smiles...gotta watch that but then again they are alive...run free...happy new year...

Susan Anderson said...

The moon always calls out to me, too. I love it, and we just had such a beautiful, full one.




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