a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Saturday Centus 138 Thirteenth Day of Christmas

Saturday Centus Time with Jenny Matlock.  A wonderful Christmasy challenge 106 words for The Thirteen Day of Christmas.  I surprised myself.  The words flowed easily and counted 106 exactly.  Hop by Jenny's place and read all the tales.

The thirteenth day of Christmas
The stockings weren't found
The house was messy
The tree falling down

I wore my lovely sweater
My husband wore his ties
One thing made it better
Everyone said Goodbye

They took their presents
They left the mess
I hope they’re happy
I’m left with stress

Although it’s all over
The gifts are hauled away
Guests seemed to have forgotten
The meaning of the day

Christmas is about giving
Oh, so very true
Not mounds of senseless presents
But the gift of you.

So next year please
Keep your presents in your car
We’re having a real Christmas
Following The Star


Country Gal said...

Awesome !

MadSnapper n Beau said...

this is totally awesome.. love it and the best you ever did and also so true.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i am thinking you could sell this one...

Brian Miller said...

haha everyone said goodbye....smiles...there comes a time when the holiday is def over and it is nice to get back to normal...

Lynne said...

I liked this . . . Miss Poet . . .

Kris said...

I love it ! That was a real treat !!!

lissa said...

sweet! sure, the present sound count so much but it is kind of nice to get them.

have a great holiday.

Eden House News and views said...

Brilliant and so true

LindaG said...

I agree. Totally awesome, Gail. Congratulations!

Irene said...

I must say that I have had a lot of fun picking out presents for my loved ones this year but that is probably because it is such a rare occasion. And I didn't care how broke it made me.

Josie Two Shoes said...

Excellent, and may I say, AMEN!

Dreaming said...

I love your message and the craft with which you presented it.

LilliStJohn said...

Are you sure we are not related Gail - I seem to think we are. he,he
Very well done and presented with great wit......sounds like something I would say, but you said it first. My big Sister always did that and now my Gail extended Sister wrote it first. GREAT! Have a wonderful day kiddo :)

Judie said...

Gail, your poem should be published in the newspaper for every non-blogger to read!

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Yes, we need to concentrate more on the "being together" and not worry about what to give who..so much.
It's been a rough few years for many and gifts should be put on the back burner..WAY back. Last year our gifts had to be homemade..by everyone even the guys. Not so easy..but they were simple and showed a lot of warm thought. We drew names..it was nice, not to mention interesting. Wanna know what I got? Ok..I will tell you. My grandson gave me an old snapshot of myself all framed that his mother had lifted from one of my old photo boxes a long time ago..in a BATHING suit, sitting on the beach. Actually I think she got it from my mother. Dangerous to do the "homemade gift thing." I'm still not over the shock of what the years have done to my bod!! ARGGGGG!

Susan Anderson said...

Well now, that was just about perfect!


Jenny said...

Oh Gail.

This was perfect.

And so true.

I treated my family to a 'Christmas Experience' this year. We all attended a play together and created a memory.

I wrapped a lot of silly things...such as pop tarts and scotch tape... as gifts.

Next year I am going to organize a family volunteer outing for us all.

Your words reinforced this desire for simplicity in me.

Christmas has never been about getting. It's high time I focus on giving!

Hugs and Happy Almost!

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