a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Tuesday, January 31, 2017


When we take our first breath we are unaware it is the beginning of our journey toward death. Hopefully we learn our choices have consequences and for every door that closes another opens. With guidance we should gain a sense of responsibility and morality.  Our contentment or direction may change but we still travel our road to death. The In Between Times are full of changes, love, sadness and goodbyes.

In 2008 I began to blog about my journey.  I've shared my dreams and my life.  You've become familiar with my love of the land, animals, and the people around me.  You've laughed, cried and prayed with and for me.

I'll never write a best seller nor paint a masterpiece nor make a great discovery that will change the world but YOU, my great blogger friends, have given me a delightfully varied view of this large world. It is time for me to laugh more, love more, spend less time on the computer and more time with my family, my life and my choices. As I continue on my path from birth to death I bid you adieu with sadness and with joy for having met you.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh NO! This makes me so sad. You have been a bright light in the blog world, and I will miss you so much. I really looked forward to your posts. I wish you all the best! Peace, love, and health. Goodbye my friend.

Sketching with Dogs said...

I have always loved reading your blog, experiencing viscariously, life on an American farm.
I've loved seeing your art and sculptures, seeing the animals and how they interact with each other and smiling at the wonderful photos you take.
I will miss your blog a lot!
Good luck with whatever you do in the future.
Much love, Lynne x

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

We've enjoyed the journey so much though. Hate for it to end now. It's like comfort food.
Gail, hate to see you go. Your friendship has meant a lot to me. You still rock.

TexWisGirl said...

amen, dear gail. amen.

Lynne said...

I knew it, felt it in my bones . . .
All things come to an end . . .
Sad, very . . .
Peace and love my steady faithful friend . . .
With my love,

only slightly confused said...

Another step in the 'great adventure'. May it be filled with wonder. We'll miss you but we definitely understand.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

We will miss you and I believe you will be back. leave your blog open for posterity and for the chance you might want to post again.. I love you and will be waiting..

Sandy Livesay said...


This maybe a goodbye from Blogger however, it's not a goodbye from our friendship. Who would have thought of finding a dear friend over the internet?? Our friendship means the world to me, I enjoy our conversations. Will be chatting with you soon.


Susan said...

I may have joined you later in your journey, but I have enjoyed every single post so very much. I do hope you leave the blog up so that we can continue to revisit it. I wish you great adventures and happiness to the end. It has been such a pleasure.

Just J said...

This makes me sad, but it is not unexpected. Blogging and responding to comments can take up a good deal of time, and time is a precious thing. You have chosen wisely to spend it with those you love, doing what you love doing. We will keep in touch, you are a dear friend, and I don't want you to become one of those bloggers who disappears and I wonder about from time to time. You have shared so many things with us, and I treasure you for your love of life and all creation. I look forward to a day when we just might pass that way again! XOXO Jos

Anonymous said...

Gail, my prayers and thoughts are always with you. I understand and feel everything you said here, as I always do with you. Keep doing what you do, your way. You do make a difference. Hugs. ❤

Farm Girl said...

Well I will miss you very much. I know though it is for the best if you have not been happy doing one thing and thinking you needed to be doing something else. I have my black walnut trees that will be finally planted in the ground, and I will think of you whenever I see them. You have been a wonderful and kind friend. I wish you all the best with what ever path you go down.
Blessings to you and your family. You have blessed my life.

Anonymous said...

i'm a relatively new reader, but i've enjoyed your writing and reading about your farm life. you will be missed. wishing you happy trails wherever you're focusing next. --suz in farmy ohio

Lowcarb team member said...

I think I knew that very soon you would be writing something like this ...

I have so enjoyed the short time I have known you through blogging. I always looked forward to visiting your blog and seeing what you may have posted. You have always given such a fantastic selection and each post I have so enjoyed.

I will miss you but completely understand.

I send blessings and my good wishes to you and yours

Take Care

All the best Jan

Arkansas Patti said...

Noooooooo, and that wail comes from the selfish me. I don't want you to quit your blog with stories about your family, critters and farm adventures but I truly can't fault your reasons. I can only hope you will get the itch again and pick up your keyboard once more. I'll be waiting.
Be happy, fulfilled, and barefoot.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for sharing! You will be missed! Dana

C-ingspots said...

It has been wonderful getting to know you, and reading your thoughts about, everything! Yes, go out and live your life, spend time with those you love and make memories!!! This blog will be right here if you should ever decide to start writing again...be well Gail!

Gorges Smythe said...

Obviously, I don't have to tell you that you'll be missed. I hope you have a wonderful life and that God blesses you greatly.

Country Gal said...

We will all miss your posts and photos and hope your new journey will take you to new heights but if you ever decide to come back to blogging we will be here . Bless you for sharing your life with us as you have . Take care my friend and be well .

The Furry Gnome said...

Thank you for sharing, and good luck with what comes next!

Ida said...

What's left to be said...It's hard to see blogging friends go as we become so close to them through their posts. I hope whatever road you travel down you will remember those of us who enjoyed your blog. You will be missed.

Martha said...

I'm really sorry to see you go but it's totally understandable. I wish you well and I am happy to have met you!

Susan Kane said...

No, I refuse selfishly to let you go. You have been ears a thousand miles away. I suspect there is more here that we know.

Helen said...

I have stepped farther and farther away from blogging for similar reasons, Gail. I feel honored to have 'known' you. Take care and be happy!

1st Man said...

I'm going to be selfish and say I don't want you to go. It's like the loss of a friend. I feel a heart heavy sadness in your post, and I I just want you to be happy. But if you get the itch, please know that we'll be here always. And I will still email you so be prepared! Much love and hugs to you from 1st Man and 2nd Man...

Gail said...

Jan, Suz and Dana, thank you. I am just an email away. Will be checking in now and then to see how every one is doing. Thank you for your kindness.

21 Wits said...

Oh no! Not good news for us, but I totally understand how life and family get in the way. But even with work and life around me, I do need to connect with my blogging friends, and no I can't always do it daily but I do it every few days for sure! I wish you well in your adventures! Hope you're back soon. I shall miss you.

Anonymous said...

Well, just like Tex and a few others who have turned out to be the best friends I never met I will not say goodbye. I will however say live, love and enjoy your life where ever that takes you. I understand this not so unexpected announcement as like many of us who have found that the family and the loved ones that we have forgotten, those ones who have continued to sit in front of you and not on the computer screen are the people that need our attention. Friendships that we have found here in Bloggerland are never forgotten and my email address will continue to show up in you inbox. Thank you for all the life and living it you have shared with me and others. Now go out and be happy my dear Gail. Hugs hugs Buttons

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I'm sorry tohear you are closing your blog- it seems like all my old friends are leaving, but I understand.
I hope you pop in from time to time to let us know how life is at the farm.

Haddock said...

Wow... such wonderful words.
In fact I could echo the same. Many of my blogger friends are the reason for keeping me going.

24 Paws of Love said...

I want to thank you Gail for making a difference in my life with your soulful words, love of nature and that gentle filled spirit you brought to your blog.

Most of the time there was nothing I could add in comments, because your spirit said it all.

I am sorry to see you go, but I understand full well of wanting to be with family and how the computer can take up so much time.

I am better for knowing you. Thank you for sharing in your life and love with us. The blogging world won't be the same without you.

Lee said...

You are missed, Gail. I do hope we see you back here one day soon...when you feel you are ready to do so. Take good care. Hugs from Down Under. :)

Lux G. said...

Oh, no. :( Does this mean this will be your last post? I'm in denial.

I'm sure some bloggers leave the blogging world for a good reason, but every time it happens, I still feel sad. Like someone I know is moving to a faraway place and I won't get to see them again.

But, good luck! I wish you well.

Thank you as well for sharing your life with us.

Dreaming said...

I totally understand. I keep trying to get back into my blogging, both writing and reading. I treasure the friendships I have made through this mode. I find it amazing that I can feel so close to folks out there that I have never met. Thank you for that!
Hop on your blog now and then and give us updates. Love to you and yours....

gld said...

I am just reading this having retired from blogging before you but without your lovely goodbye.

I have enjoyed 'meeting' you and reading of your life. May the time now be filled with joy and peace and love.

Truedessa said...

Gail, I've been wondering where you went. I am so sorry to hear you are leaving. It has been my pleasure to know you and share a bit of conversation. I hope you will continue to let that dragon speak to your heart.

Bright Blessing my friend!

Empty Nester said...

Well, shoot. I didn't realize. I've been missing you and found this. I understand but I'm so sad. Maybe we'll see you again. :) Take care, friend!

Far Side of Fifty said...

I am sad that you are not going to blog anymore. I wish you well! I have enjoyed our friendship:)

T. Powell Coltrin said...

Well I missed this exit. Hopefully, you'll see my comment. I'm taking a break from blogging to see if I really want to blog again. Social media has been awful lately, but reminds me, too, what we need to be focused on. My dad is very ill and in the hospital at the moment so of course this opens eyes as well. Best Wishes, my friend!


Optimistic Existentialist said...

Gail, I selfishly hope you reconsider and come back to us...but I also know that is a rather selfish thing of me to say. I wish you the very best <3

21 Wits said...

Just popping in to say hello! Hello.

Elephant's Child said...

You will be missed. You are missed. I hope life is treating you kindly.

A Brit in Tennessee said...

I have laughed with you and cried with you, your journey has been an inspiration to us all. I wish you the continuance on your path to new adventures, a life well-lived and loved, and most of all happiness and contentment.
You shall be missed.

Lowcarb team member said...

Hello Dear Gail
Just wanted to pop in and say I hope all is well.
Thinking of you and hoping life is treating you well.

God bless

All the best Jan

Anonymous said...

Thinking about you and hope life is treating you well. You are missed. Hug B

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