A long time gone...just like Dylan's song. I'm not sure where I've been except maybe testing the couch for comfort and reading several books. Did a little cleaning and a lot of being snowed in. Tried to call some talent out...talent didn't answer. Enjoyed some winter comfort food like homemade chili, venison stew, dumplings...not in one day but spread over the cold days that rode in on our early winter storms...and it is sleeting now.
Eight inches of snow with ice underneath and ice and sleet on top is not our normal December weather. School has been out many places for a week and only now are running snow routes for the buses.
I have witnesses. I saw the light! A round light bobbed up and down far away seen through my kitchen window one night around eight o'clock. I thought it was a star and maybe I was seeing things. Watched it awhile and to verify I called Hubby and Andrew to look. Andrew saw colors. Hubby said a star then it moved. We were using a limb on the tree to align it making sure we weren't moving instead of the light. It went up. It went down. It went left and right. It made circles and stopped. It began again. Same routine in the middle of the sky in the middle of nowhere. Not a plane but could have been a helicopter though there was no sound. It may be unknown but it was fun to share.
A mountain lion has been sited in our neck of the woods. My sister saw it weeks ago. Now our neighbor way up the road has seen it.
I called Game and Fish. They told me it was probably a young male from a far northern state that had been kicked out looking for new territory. I asked if they could trap it. Nope, hard to catch a cat. Danger? Nope. Well, there was some reason our ancestors eliminated them. For money, she said. No, I said, to save livestock and children. She said, Like I said for money. I told her the neighborhood in which he was sighted is full of small children that play in the fields. Oh, there's no danger, she said. Just tell the children always travel in pairs, stay outta the woods and make lots of noise. I repeated, So no danger?? Nope, she said. I asked what do I tell the cattle and the chickens? She had no answer and recorded details of the siting.
To those who have missed me, thank you.
And life goes on At The Farm.