a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Friday, December 13, 2013

Strange Light, Mountain Lion and Dumplings...

A long time gone...just like Dylan's song.  I'm not sure where I've been except maybe testing the couch for comfort and reading several books.  Did a little cleaning and a lot of being snowed in. Tried to call some talent out...talent didn't answer.  Enjoyed some winter comfort food like homemade chili, venison stew, dumplings...not in one day but spread over the cold days that rode in on our early winter storms...and it is sleeting now.
Eight inches of snow with ice underneath and ice and sleet on top is not our normal December weather. School has been out many places for a week and only now are running snow routes for the buses.

I have witnesses.  I saw the light!  A round light bobbed up and down far away seen through my kitchen window one night around eight o'clock.  I thought it was a star and maybe I was seeing things. Watched it awhile and to verify I called Hubby and Andrew to look. Andrew saw colors. Hubby said a star then it moved.  We were using a limb on the tree to align it making sure we weren't moving instead of the light. It went up. It went down.  It went left and right. It made circles and stopped.  It began again.  Same routine in the middle of the sky in the middle of nowhere.  Not a plane but could have been a helicopter though there was no sound.  It may be unknown but it was fun to share.

A mountain lion has been sited in our neck of the woods.  My sister saw it weeks ago.  Now our neighbor way up the road has seen it.

I called Game and Fish.  They told me it was probably a young male from a far northern state that had been kicked out looking for new territory.  I asked if they could trap it.  Nope, hard to catch a cat. Danger? Nope.  Well, there was some reason our ancestors eliminated them.  For money, she said.  No, I said, to save livestock and children.  She said, Like I said for money.  I told her the neighborhood in which he was sighted is full of small children that play in the fields. Oh, there's no danger, she said.  Just tell the children always travel in pairs, stay outta the woods and make lots of noise.  I repeated, So no danger??  Nope, she said.  I asked what do I tell the cattle and the chickens?  She had no answer and recorded details of the siting.

To those who have missed me, thank you.

And life goes on At The Farm.


T. Powell Coltrin said...

Yep, wondered where you were hiding.

I don't know about Ozark Mountain Lions, but California ones attack people.

Missouri has them near the rivers, in the cliffs. They're very shy. But will kill and eat what they want.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Well, if a mountain lion is hungry enough, or has babies, I would think it would be dangerous!! I think they just don't want to cause a panic or people running around with guns where they shouldn't be. I love a good mystery and the light is really a good one.

M.E. Masterson said...

Fish and Game are around in my opinion to spend the wads of money they get from grants to study things like how birds mate or how wolves kill of cattle herds by the hundreds just for fun! I personally have no use for them and being from Montana we saw them all the time.
I would be on guard and spread the news that a cat is about...if provoked without anybody knowing why they will steal small children, dogs, cats and small animals. Be very weary!!
Nice to hear from ya Gail!!

Country Gal said...

hey Gail nice to have ya back . Oh big cat on the prowl . I would of said all the same things you did . I think the game people need to get out of their cubicle's more often these cats like any wild animal will attack anything if hungry . I hope all will be ok and this big cat will move on to a better place ! It is snowing here now and will be through the night and all day tomorrow so we are hunkering down wood stove going and slow cooker is on the go ! Thanks for sharing . Have a good weekend and be safe !

Irene said...

We are waiting for them to show up in the Netherlands again, and if one does, it will not be killed. Every once in a while we hear about a sighting, but so far none has
been confirmed. I am glad you are back. I was just about to send out a search party. xox

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

I was beginning to be concerned about 2 days ago. But I was gonna give it until the weekend before concern turned to worry. I'm glad your back.
Really? A mountain lion took a good friend of mine in high school. She was of medium build. We were on a picnic in the mountains. We only saw a streak and hurt my friend screaming. We all followed and I think she would have been a goner for sure if we hadn't gotten to them later. Two small children would be a snack. That's scary.
Stay warm......Linda

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

OMG, like I didn't even see the spooky light part of the post. UFO????

TexWisGirl said...

i almost gave up on you. figured you'd hung up your blogging cap. glad all is well there - well, except for the 'no danger' thing.

DesertHen said...

Hi there! Glad to see you back! Sounds like our crazy, cold weather made its way back to you. Sorry! The snow, sub zero temps and ice are no fun!

The mysterious lights sound fascinating! We have seen some strange things here in the Nevada desert as well! One just never knows!

A hungry mountain lion will eat anything! I can't belive Fish and Game would say there was no danger! There are guys around here that raise hound dogs specifically for mountain lion hunting. It involves a lot of tracking! It is never good when a cat starts taking out livestock like sheep and calves!

Stay warm!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Gail, so good to read a post from you! Yes, you have been missed.
That is a lot of snow and ice.
Mountain lions not dangerous? Tell that to all the people (especially in California) who get mauled every year. They need to catch it. (Hopefully not shoot it though.)

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh your back and with mysteries and sightings I must say what an entrance you have I LOVE it. :) Hug B

Far Side of Fifty said...

I would be uneasy about a Mountain Lion. I wonder if all your dogs will help keep it away. Glad you are okay and back...interesting about the UFO:)

LindaG said...

That photo makes me cold. ;-)
We are 55 so far tonight. Supposed to get rain, then a chill then moderate temperatures.

I think UFO, too, but whatever I am glad you are okay.

Hope the cat leaves.
Have a wonderful weekend!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

OMG on the ice on top of snow and sleet falling.. bob says if the cat comes calling shoot it... so do I.. your life depends on your cattle and chickens, the warden gets paid by the federal govt... be careful of the ice and the cat and if that is a UFO maybe they will scoop up the big cat. i love big cats and i hate when people hunt them for fun, but your life is more important than a cat. like us with alligators...

LilliStJohn said...

Hey Ya - we're still waiting on snow here - seems you got a bunch intended for us and the winds changed, eh. Good to see you on board and have missed your posts, wisdom, humour and insight. WOW, lots going on with the big cat, lights in the sky - sounds like aliens to me and they disguised themselves as the big cat to prowl around and peek at everyone. I got a rifle, a gun and a license n a big wire cage and am for hire - no money, just a good meal and have Andrew sing the blues to me :) Regards to everyone and big hugz to Marcy, TM lol

Lynne said...

There you are again . . . YAY! I missed you . . . Your writing pulled me in, I want to see "it" too . . . (I wonder how many hear what you are saying . . .)

Sketching with Dogs said...

Everything has to eat in such bad weather but hope your mountain lion finds some wild food.
Lynne x

labbie1 said...

I commented on the wrong post--call a taxidermist--they'll come and get it. :)

I know a trapper who isn't really in your area, but maybe for a cat...in winter coat...

Anonymous said...

We subscribe to the three "S's"! Shoot, shovel and shut-up!

Josie Two Shoes said...

So, so good to see you back, though it sounds like you enjoyed your "downtime" quite a bit, and a break is sometimes healthy. We'll want to know if you see that light again. Was this the first time? Loved the conversation with the lady at Game and Fish. I'm guessing she doesn't have kids out there where it's roaming... or dogs or cattle. Let's send her out for a nice recon walk in the area, by herself! LOL

StitchinByTheLake said...

That light....very interesting! I'm sure there's an explanation but I can't think what it would be...except for a flying saucer, of course. :) The cat would scare me too. I don't suppose Game and Fish has a way of finding it but she did seem a bit nonchalant about it if you ask me. We got some sleet here, a couple of inches, but nothing like you all did. School was out one day only. The ice did stay on my deck for a week until it rained and melted it. It sure has been cold though. I can't seem to get warmed up this winter - wonder if that's my age. blessings, marlene

Susan Kane said...

About the lights--I would believe you. I saw lights when I was a teenager in Illinois. I think that was a time when there were many sightings.

So very glad to see your name!

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