a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Monday, January 9, 2017

Floating My Doll

I don't remember when she came nor if she had a name.  She never wore clothes.  She was a handy size to haul around with me on my adventures. She was about eight inches tall, stuffed rubber with eyes that closed, and varying cut lengths of reddish brown matted hair.  The only seam was where her head attached to her body.

Naked Friend was a constant companion. She was my ultimate "Action Figure".  She climbed trees with me because I could tuck her in my waistband as I climbed.  She liked dogs.  They liked her and sometimes carried her for me.  I kept a hay string so if the going got rough I could tie her to me or even drag her along. Naked Friend did things I never could.  She jumped from trees bravely and landed uninjured. She rode cattle (more often than I) and even explored the underside of the outdoor toilet. Oh, the adventures we had!

The hay string could be her safety line so I tied it permanently around her neck. It gave Naked Friend such a sense of security she began to have more and more adventures.

Our friend and neighbor lived down the creek from us. Mom and Dad visited often.  Naked Friend and I always went too.

Uncle Ray's creek was the continuance of ours with springs joining it along the way.  By the time it flowed below Uncle Ray's front yard it was too big for me to enter without an adult. The creek was in view of Uncle Ray's porch so the adults could watch me while I played BESIDE the creek.

Naked Friend was far luckier.  She entered the stream with her hay string around her neck.  The current would grab her and rush her to the end of the string as I ran along side on dry ground.  Back and forth, back and forth, Naked Friend floated and I ran. It was the highest form of entertainment for a four year old tom boy (who didn't really like dolls).

I thought of Naked Friend (named for this story) and told the tale to my hubby.  He was shocked and appalled as if I were a serial killer or something.  I said, It was just a doll. He shook his head.

Oh, the imaginative adventures of a country child!  I think Hubby will be watching me next time I'm around him with any kind of rope.

May our imagination and sense of adventure never fade.


Elephant's Child said...

We all need a Naked Friend in our lives. Mine was called Pink Puppy - though he stopped being pink after I threw up on him during a hospital stay and the nurses sterilised him.
The adventures pink puppy had, the secrets he kept...

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I don't remember trying to hang any of my action figures, but they did blow up a lot.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, I enjoyed this story. I used to carry around a horse everywhere I went. Not a little horse but one you could ride on. I am sorry, I forgot his name. I agree everyone should have a sense of adventure. Happy Tuesday, enjoy your day.

Sketching with Dogs said...

Sounds like you had a great childhood with Naked Friend, loved hearing about her.
Lynne x
Ps, anytime you want Cricket, let me know and I'll send her over! 😆

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I like the story and I can see you running along beside that doll and the creek. You and I were the total opposites When We Were Young. I played with tea sets and never ran never jumped never climbed a tree never did anything more dangerous than swinging in a swing. I don't remember having anything that I really love to like a dollar a day or anything like that. I had to laugh at Alex comment about blowing things up because my son Daniel blew up everything you ever had he would get a model plane or truck or a tank and put it together with cement glue and then put firecrackers in them and blow them up. I'm trying really hard to think of anything that I truly loved and I can't come up with a thing. I guess it was my books I carried a book everywhere I went even on picnics.

Susan said...

What a wonderful story! I had a rubber horse that went with me everywhere.

only slightly confused said...

I'm reasonably sure you wouldn't drop him down an outdoor toilet to see what was on the other side....right?

LilliStJohn said...

Love, loved the story. I had and still have a TeddyBear - Mr. Megarity. This naked friend had wonderful adventures because of you. How happy and a great memory. Thanks for sharing. lol

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love this story! A small slice of your childhood! It also makes me think you may be an only child, like me. YES! I was a tomboy as well! While I did not have a favorite doll, I loved my roller skates, hula hoop, and tricycle. You had a wonderful imagination for Naked Friend's adventures, and let her do the things you could not. And what a cool way the string was to never get her swept away!

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

I had a little metal man. Sorta tiny and ever ready to go and see what adventures we could find together. Thanks for sharing your story of naked doll. I could see you and she in my mind eye's havin' a great time.

Anonymous said...

I had a couple of dolls that shared my adventures. First was Kicky Doll, who was a boy and lost his left arm...and then disappeared. About that time, Raggedy Ann became a constant...until I literally wore her out...and she did not make it through her 500th washing. That pretty much ended my attachment to dolls. I was 4. Great story here.

Lowcarb team member said...

I so enjoyed reading this Gail.

I know I had a few dolls and cuddly toys whilst growing up, but my favourite was 'Andrew' (I can't remember why he was Andrew - but that was his name) he was a wonderful teddy bear and he used to enjoy playing outside in the garden with me ... apparently his favourite was to have a swing, whilst pegged to my mum's washing line by his ears! Ouch!!!

He was around a good many years but sorry to say he no longer is.

I do agree with your last sentence

"May our imagination and sense of adventure never fade."

All the best Jan

Arkansas Patti said...

This was such a neat read and the enjoyment of your naked friend was evident. She sure was game for any adventure--- better than a sibling. Had to laugh at your hubby's concerns.

Michelle said...

Your hubby sounds like mine. lol Naked friend sounds like the best. Much more fun than a human friend!

The Furry Gnome said...

Sounds like great fun for a four year old to me!

Susan Kane said...

My naked friend was a Betsy Wetsy type doll, which also spent much of the time in my grasp. Fun times.

My son had a He-Man figure He used to climb up a 40 ft. tree and drop it from the top, to see if it would survive.

Some things are precious.

Empty Nester said...

Hahahaha! You are a riot! I always find fun and/or inspiration here!

1st Man said...

I had a stuffed tiger like animal, it had a regular human shaped body and a tiger head, Have no idea what it was supposed to be but it was my constant companion. When I got sick, and my Mom put Vicks on my chest, she had to put it on his chest too (his name was Tony). When he got torn it was stitched up. To this day he still smells like Vicks and looks like one of Frankstein's stitched up creations but ah the memories. I should get him out of storage and bring him to the farm.

Thank you for sharing your wonderful memory!

Josie Two Shoes said...

It sounds to me like this doll was a great play companion, you took her with you and she got to experience things you couldn't or didn't dare. So maybe you kept her on the end of a rope, but at least you were able to pull her to safety, no doubt countless times, that way! :-) Tell Hubby not to worry, if the water gets deep you will toss a line around his neck and haul him ashore! ;-)

Martha said...

I'm not sure if you got my last comment, Gail! It just WHOOSH and vanished before I sent it.

I had written about how much I enjoyed this post! So funny. I love your imagination and your sense of humour. You have such fun memories.

A Joyful Cottage said...

Hahaha. Loved this story, Gail. I think your hubby is right to watch you carefully. ;-)

Far Side of Fifty said...

Great story! I was a tom boy too but left my dolls in the house...mainly unused, but everyone thought girls should have dolls:(

LindaG said...

Amen, Gail. ^_^
Blessings to you all. ♥

Henny Penny said...

So glad I did not miss this story. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry! :) I can just picture you playing with that doll with a rope around it's neck. Funny too because dolls were my life growing up, but my dolls were my children. I fed them and put them to bed at night, protected them. I probably needed psychiatric help.:) Even today I can't stand to see a doll without clothes. Loved your story!


Loved this story Gail. I can so see you and Naked Doll having all those adventures. In you and this story I saw myself with my own dolls who were frequently without clothes. It seems the fun with having doll clothes is always stripping them off the doll where I guess they must get misplaced.
I'll be sad if you quit writing. Maybe you'll be back after a break. Hugs and love and prayers, Barb

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