a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Snuggling With Good Men

The Polar Vortex has sucked the warmth right out of me!  I know I have it easy.  It hasn't dropped to subzero for us BUT it's all in the comparison. Our cold month is January and February. Many folks are neck deep in snow and we haven't had a flake but I'm still freezing!

There is something new in the air this year making things happen. I've observed insane politics of THE WORLD, the Chicago Cubs winning The World Series, Policemen with targets on them and war atrocities that make my heart ache. We have lost a veteran/astronaut hero, John Glen, and an infamous dictator. I have detected lies where I usually find truth and truth sprinkled in lies. We may now know why those participation trophies are not such a good idea since our college students (and many adults) have shown they have the inability to deal with reality.

I've reacted like any self respecting married woman...I crawled under the covers with another man, in fact, more than one....Clive Cussler, Harlen Coben and James Patterson. If the weather and social atmosphere holds I may add a few more men AND women to those I snuggle with for confidence, solace, security and to take my mind somewhere else. Talk about dealing with reality!

Hubby doesn't mind my strange bedfellows.  It gives him peace so he doesn't have to hear me rant about my perceived worldly circumstance.
My rose is freeze dried.
May our nation unite.


OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

I hope the same thing.
Stay warm with your new men folk.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Stay warm Gail! Cold here too! merry Christmas! We may be warmer by then:)

only slightly confused said...

Hibernation is my way of dealing with things as well.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, I am not missing the cold at all. The weather has been very nice here in Florida. I hope that our nation can re-unite. I wish you and yours a very blessed and Merry Christmas. BTW, thanks for visiting my blog.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I have never seen a rose like this, preserved by the cold like you put in in the freezer. The world is getting more and more evil, just as the bible predicted. It is just terrible to think of some of the things that men are capable of. Reading does take us totally into another world, safe and far away.

gld said...

You have expressed my feelings exactly. So many people reacting insanely is disappointing.

I cuddle with the same men....may I suggest other good ones: John Sanford and his Prey series and Deborah Crombie and her Duncan Kincaid/Gemma James novels.

Lee said...

It's great to have strange bedfellows between the pages! :)

Keep warm...enjoy those fellows...you'd better add Ian Rankin and Michael Connelly to your list! :)

Elephant's Child said...

I snuggle with rather a lot of strange men (and woman). Comfort, escape, education.
And hope to continue to bed them till the end.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

That's why I often just shut off the news and dive into some fiction, either a book or a movie.

Sherry Blue Sky said...

Yes, may the nation unite. I have been escaping too. It is the only sane thing to do.

Anonymous said...

Granny always said, "It all comes out in the wash." And, it does. You are an intelligent woman, too. You know what you need to do. Stay warm and safe, my friend. Hugs.

Michelle said...

I stay warm the same way! Our cold months are in January and February as well. *sigh* It is already freezing me to death here!

Lynne said...

So cold here right now.
As my husband was reading the papers today he said his hands
were freezing and he had to sit on them to warm up!
It seems when it gets cold like this, nothing seems to keep me warm . . .
unless of course, one has three extra men . . . like you . . . .
tee here . . .

The Furry Gnome said...

A good book can certainly help your sanity!

Truedessa said...

Escapism seems to work for me as well, I have no problem snuggling in with a good book.

Martha said...

Is it alright that I've also snuggled up with the same men? :)
Sometimes we need to get away from the insanity of the world. A good book helps with that!

Sketching with Dogs said...

The weather is so strange, so much snow over there while it is warmer than Athens here in UK.
As a fellow ranter, I commiserate with you.
Keep warm.
Lynne x

LilliStJohn said...

Reading does take us away to another place. I find myself loving the escape now and then. Our weather has been "0", -1, -15, -22, -35. Two days ago, we sub-zero temps again with a huge snow storm and yesterday we had +10 with lots and lots of rain? The rose is still very beautiful, frozen and well preserved by your outer air temps. H to M Have a wonderful day.

Susan said...

Yes, the world's axis has shifted and all sense seems to have dropped off the planet. Love this post! And, yes, may this nation unite.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am snuggling with those same three men. Add Lee Childs and David Baldacci and a couple more I can't think of right now. I have been escaping the world we live in since I was 5 years old in the land of books. Our world has gone quite mad. Poor little rose that it is still pretty. Sorry you were so cold yesterday I was complaining bitterly about sweating and being too hot had to turn the air conditioner on and stopped sweating and complaining

Josie Two Shoes said...

You have it right, hunker down with a good book and wait for the winter to pass. I believe that the world will yet right itself. Perhaps I am the eternal optimist, or just plain naïve, but we will find out soon enough. We take life one day at a time, and keep those we love close to us. Wishing you a warm and blessed Christmas!

Arkansas Patti said...

I fear some of your bedfellows are cheaters for I have snuggled with some of those same guys. Sorry, they never mentioned you:))
Books are my great escape also.
Stay warm, safe and have a wonderful Christmas.

LindaG said...

Can't disagree with anything you said here, Gail.
Especially the 'trophy for everyone' crap. A bad idea from the start. All thanks to the progressive education system.

I hear you about the cold, too. Stay warm and comfy with your guys, Gail. ;-)

Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year to you all!

Lowcarb team member said...

Hey, I think quite a few of us seem to be sharing the same men! LOL!

Keep warm, take care

All the best Jan

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Hi Gail..it's good to know you are warm and cozy. It cold here too but nothing like you are experiencing. The world will hopefully right it's self. I walk around puzzled lately...it's not the best of times..and I hope we are not heading for the worst of times. Books are my escape as well, but reality has reared it's head ...a sad time. Thank you for your "comment"...I appreciated it.

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