a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Thursday, November 10, 2016

A Member Of The Assassin Bug Family

A Wheel Bug looked me in the eye
Notice how closely tucked the proboscis is 
until it begins to get upset with my closeness.
The weapon begins to emerge.
Since the Wheel Bug or Assassin Bug will attack when threatened
I did not push my luck.
Their bites are very painful but they are wonderful in the garden,
bug eaters of high caliber.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Those are great close ups. We have them here but I didn't know they bit.

Jo said...

Lovely close-ups, Gail. I love the serration on its back. Have a great day. Jo

TexWisGirl said...

never knew what they were called.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

awesome pics, I once found one of these on our mail box, weigh back in 2002 when I had just gotten my first digital camers, he/she was one of the first things I photographed to earn the name Madsnapper. I just stopped to find the post about it and now I don't think that is what it is. will email you the pic

LilliStJohn said...

Wow, this little guy looks like he could cause a powerful attack. I enlarged the photos and looked closely. I have never seen one of these before. Thanks for interesting bug, Eh.

Arkansas Patti said...

I appreciate a creature that at least warns us to back off like the rattler. However you really have to be observant with the assassin bug.

Josie Two Shoes said...

I love your mixture of respect and healthy caution when dealing with this little guy. Maybe that's a bit of sage advice when dealing with all creatures great and small, bipeds included. :-)

only slightly confused said...

I've never seen one of those before...no offence but I hope I never do lol.

21 Wits said...

Wow, incredible bug to stay far away from, but he sure is quite well designed, the wheel on his back is really something. I've never seen that before!

Martha said...

These are wonderful photos. Spiders like these play such an important role in the garden.

Henny Penny said...

That is the big bug Poppy had run-in with. When he got too close, this bug spit, and the liquid hit Poppy square in the eye. His eye burned and bothered him for several days.

Anonymous said...

Nature is always fascinating and educational. Your captures are, too.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Thank goodness we do not have any of these. Your link says that they are one of the few true and actual BUGS we have. He does remind me a bit of stink bugs, which we do have. Good pictures, at least he is NOT a spider! So I could take a peek.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know they bite! They are very prehistoric looking...:)JP

Lowcarb team member said...

Something I'd definitely stay clear of!
Another great set of photo's here Gail

All the best Jan

Lee said...

He's a wheel meaning looking bug! :)

Lux G. said...

Just the sight of it and I'll surely run. What an assassin.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Never seen one before, but I appreciate the heads up! :)

LindaG said...

I've only seen one. And you got a LOT closer than I would have. ^_^

Blessings to you all, Gail. ♥

Susan Kane said...

Great camera catch! Can avoid that one, providing I see him. Think of that insect as a new horror creature in a C-movie.

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

We have these here in Virginia too - I had no idea they could bite, I just leave them alone, and this post tells me that's good advice! Great photos too!!

Empty Nester said...

There was something like that on my screen the other day. I wonder if it was the same bug. I flicked it off the screen. If it is the same bug, I'm glad I was on the other side of the screen!

Ida said...

What a creepy bug but also quite fascinating with that "wheel" on it's back.

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