a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

The Stick Games

A game of stick is quite common around here.
 It's always good-natured
 and often an exciting
spectator sport.
Sometimes simply patience wins the game.
Bonnie, the victor, walks with the stick.
Ki-Anne gives her the raspberry.
 To the victor goes the spoils.
Bonnie, the current queen of Stickdom, surveys her realm.
Tomorrow there may be a new queen.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Suddenly Ki-Anne looks around and thinks 'Holy crap, what was I thinking? We're surrounded by sticks!'
I know. The best stick is the one someone else already has.

LilliStJohn said...

haha love this game with Jack as well. There could be all kinds of sticks around, but the one I pick up has to be the one she wants....and of course you know she gets it.

only slightly confused said...

I don't know about that...Bonnie seems to have a weight/muscle advantage.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

laughing at Alex comment, so true, the stick is always better if someone else wants it.. just like people.
we miss our spectator stick watching fun, it was jake and baby's favorite thing to do and so much fun for us to watch... I don't post on fourpawsetc much because I can only take so many photos of Jake sleeping. which is about all he does.

Susan said...

What beautiful dogs you have! It's been interesting to watch the changes in the hierarchy in my pack - as Scrappy has gotten to geezerhood, he's slipped down the ladder. Although Lovey still thinks he's the bee's knees. Mine love the stick game!

Lowcarb team member said...

Oh Gail - it's always lovely to see your dogs enjoying themselves.

On my blog post here, I did reply to you but in case you haven't seen it yet. https://thelowcarbdiabetic.blogspot.co.uk/2016/11/salmon-and-broccoli-bowl-dairy-free.html

You asked "Is the almond milk for taste or tenderizing?"
My answer ... Almond milk is used here as a dairy free option to poach the salmon so it will tenderise and add a slight taste. This recipe could be adapted to using full cream milk if preferred.

Enjoy your Tuesday ... this week is going too quickly already!

All the best Jan

Anonymous said...

With shoulders, chest and jowls like Bonnie's, her next competitor might have to be a Mastiff!!...:)JP

Josie Two Shoes said...

So cute! We humans could learn from this!

Farm Girl said...

What very cute pictures. You have such beautiful dogs.

Sketching with Dogs said...

What a good natured girl Bonnie is for waiting patiently for the stick when she could have easily taken it.
Lynne x

Harry Flashman said...

My dogs love to mock fight. They are both girls and both getting on in years, so the play battles are not as vehement as they once were.

Anonymous said...

My Shelties used to do this with toys. Maisie the Alpha always won, unless she allowed Wiley to win. *wink*

Ginny Hartzler said...

Simple things can be the best! And we could take some lessons from our pets for sure. They remain in a simpler time and have no worries; only about who currently owns the stick.

Arkansas Patti said...

If I were a betting person it would be Bonnie hands down. A little two on one might level the field a bit. Gotta give Ki-Anne credit for giving it a go.

Mylittlepieceofengland said...

Love your dogs, our 3 love a soft toy threesome, but unfortunately turn their little noses up,at sticks xx

Martha said...

They're all adorable. How wonderful that they all get along.

24 Paws of Love said...

So does this mean that Bonnie is getting along with all the dogs now and vice versa?

LindaG said...

Hahahahaha! Great match and pictures, Gail.

Be safe and God bless.

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