a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Anyone who works knows we must have an area meeting sometime. Yesterday was my day. Off to a town I knew nothing about. I had fine beginning, set my alarm for 5:30PM so got up late, needless to say. Flew around getting ready and already thirty minutes behind. Three hours from my destination, I felt fairly confident since I had seen this town from the freeway. No big deal, right?!

At meeting time I am still driving through this town looking for the meeting place. A building comes into my view with several seniors leaving. I whirl in to see if anyone is from this town and to get directions. A sweet white-haired angel offers to guide me there so I hop back in my car to follow her. She guides right to the front door and even gives me a hug.

The meeting is the standard you-are-doing-a-great-job-but...
Instead of enjoying the great lunch they served, I decided to see if I remembered where I left my car. I did not. I walked through three parking lots and finally found my car. Thank God I had not washed it or I would never have found it!

Leaving the meeting I confidently turned onto the road as if I knew where I was going. Thirty minutes later I knew I had no ideal where I was. I did get to see some wonderfully huge houses in my travels. I asked directions from four people and each one gave me the "easiest" directions. I asked a store clerk, a Lutheran cook, a person walking and a police officer!

By this time I have been driving for over an hour. I finally call my relief worker who has a photographic memory. She said where are you? If I knew that, why would I be calling? I said I see bales of hay in a field and no signs. She said do you see a log house on the right and next you will see this. She laughs and said I know where you are, just stay on the phone I will get you back home. I am almost hysterical because I am a control freak and do not like being lost. She talks me through and an hour later I am back in familiar territory.

A trip that should have taken me three hours has now turned into four and a half. I now realize how tense I was because my arms and hands are hurting where I have gripped the steering wheel. My legs are killing me from constantly shifting. My poison oak has kicked back in and I am weak in all joints!

I stop for chocolate, caffeine and nicotine...my three vices. I am now headed home on a road I know.

I know there are angels out there because I met a few today.

1 comment:

The W.O.W. factor! said...

Yep! 3 vises! No coffee tho..but..Diet Pepsi?...I'll forgive you

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