First I thought I would report the injuries...some for me. While I was helping Hubby after surgery, the keys in my pocket hung on the foot of his bed. My pants acted like a bungee cord and jerked me back. When the keys turned loose of the bed, my left hip bone slammed into the foot of the, that hurt!! I have a bruise as big as Texas and it still hurts. When I sit a while, I have to let it wake up and then it works after two or three steps. One minor injury, after driving hubby to hospital with a tiny bit of worry on my mind and then driving back and forth to see him during thunder storms, I have noticed my wrists, my arms, shoulders and neck are killing me. Just the result of a little tense driving, it will leave soon. Or could that be the result of when I went to barn to bottle feed, stepped in some clay mud, fell down in cow manure and cut my knee in two places? I had my mud boots on! But my nightshirt did nothing to protect my knee. Hey, did not drop the milk! I am good.
Now, for the interesting tale of Hubby's transport. Ambulance from one hospital to another, arrive at second hospital, attendants are transferring from one gurney to the other. The gurney rolls from under Hubby!!! The EMT caught Hubby and prevented his head from striking the floor but the rest of his body hit hard. He was in so much pain, he is saying there are no injuries. A fall versus a burst appendix, naw, the fall would not hurt. That generated some paper work for the staff and ambulance.
I think that covers the personal injuries stories. Don't worrry, I will have some to add soon. Bev says, the day's work is not complete until Gail gets an that will be another story.
High water and damages is what we will peek at now. Who knows what we will uncover when the water is down, and we were just finishing cleaning up from the ice storm and tornado of years past!
Back corner of Marcy's house!!!
Here's some irony...the boat shed.
Hubby is trying to turn the water.
Normally, all you see here is green grass.
Under this water, lies a fence, really.
These culverts were installed by Entergy.
See the wisdom in their construction?
We told them they would never hold.
The water is going over,
which makes the water on the far side about eight feet.
This is a dry crossing, only for pond overflow.
At least, we got two new culverts...somewhere
and maybe, two gates.
I am grateful for the rain.
The ponds are full.
The houses are still standing
and my family is safe.