a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Getting Out and About...

I've been out of commission since Hubby's hospital gig but maybe I'm improving almost two months later.  I should be put down but can't find anyone to do it.

I decided even though it's been raining in great amounts and was still trying to rain that I needed some fresh air and some good ole get outside and feel good time.
Well, it was muddy.
I headed up hill
and the pack followed.
Found fresh deer "tracks"
and we explored some deep woods.
What I thought was going to be a rescue
turned into a treasure to keep...
a shell complete with bones!
About now I'm wondering why I chose this way to walk
I tried to capture a picture of the thorns I'm walking through
After emerging here
I discover I've lost my camera!!!
I had to climb back up this nice slope
I had slid down.
I'm thinking, Idiot! 
Total loss is not covered by warranty!
I put on my Daniel Boone eyes
and engage my Einstein brain
to try and track myself.
After what seemed a long time
I found it!
Laying where I had battled with briers.
Hubby was looking for me.
I'd been gone too long.
Bleeding and covered with ticks 
I was proud of my turtle treasure
and my tracking abilities.


Maude Lynn said...

Way to go! Glad you found the camera!

Deb said...

now that was an adventure...

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Glad you found your camera and the turtle shell. The ticks though? No thanks! That's why I never venture into the woods around here.

TexWisGirl said...

when it's muddy and as thickly grown up as we have now, it IS an adventure to get out on the property!

DFW said...

Aren't you glad to have someone miss you. Briars are terrible, I keep scratches for weeks from them. Too bad about saving the turtle but glad you have the shell & such.

Lynne said...

Poison Ivy . . . be careful!
Sounds like a fun excursion in briars with flip flops!
And TICKS . . . wow . . . what a woman!

LindaG said...

Good grief, Gail. Glad you found your camera and made it back (safely?)!
Yay for hubbies who worry!
What will you do with your turtle treasure???

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Smart hubby!! I am glad you found your camera...not always good to go too far alone. I used to do that but no more. Great pictures of your adventure. I was wondering..shouldn't you have had shoes on your feetsies that were a bit more substantial?? Hmmmmmm???

Sandy Livesay said...


Looks like you had a great outing today in your flip flops. I'm glad you were able to find your camera, this way we could see where you traveled and your find.

What are your plans with the turtle shell?

LilliStJohn said...

Morning Gail - WOW, I guess you did need some time away - and what a walk it must have been in flip flops - next hike put on those boots, you don't need a twisted ankle. Those thorns look real nasty and I can see the turtle shell just by your foot. I am glad you found your camera and TM came to give you a lift home. That's a real nice treasure you found - you can have the tics. ha,ha

MadSnapper n Beau said...

oh my, this is a wild and whack y trail story, i bet hubby was not happy he had to search for you. probably scared him silly. and why didn't you wear your boots? huh???
glad you found the camera and it must have been ok since you continued taking photos....

Sketching with Dogs said...

That is a pretty extreme walk! The turtle shell is a real treasure. Thank goodness you found your camera - at least you got a lift home with hubby. Hope he is doing well.
Lynne x

DesertHen said...

You had a bit of a soggy walk. A little mud between the toes can work wonders for the soul!

Glad you found the camera!

Nice that hubby came to find you. It would probably take days for my family to realize I had gone for a walk and not returned on time...HA!

Empty Nester said...

Girl, you are crazy! LOL I would be in waders and covered from head to toe and..wait. No I wouldn't. I would have stayed in the house! LOL

Rose said...

Wow gail you are such a country girl,i have not worn flip flops for years, i think i want a pair! best wishes x

Susan Anderson said...

Covered with ticks???? (shudder)

The rest sounds great, though. Mostly.


Far Side of Fifty said...

Glad you found your camera. That was quite an adventure..yeah on the turtle shell! :)

Josie Two Shoes said...

How did I miss this one?! It sounds like a wonderful adventure but they'd best not let you out of the "home" again with proper shoes! :-) I am so glad that TractorMan came to your rescue, I like how you watch out for each other. I'm glad you found your camera too!

Brian Miller said...

ha. you had quite the adventure there....glad you found your camera....cool treasure you found, for sure...

labbie1 said...

So glad you found your camera!!!! Sorry about all the mud you had to slog through...

Jenny said...

You are brave.

Going through there with just flip-flops on!

I hope your husband is doing better these days!

And, wow, that turtle was soooo neat! Did it smell?

Michaele said...

Quite an adventure and you never even left the farm! I love that he came looking for you - in a cart so you didn't have to walk back.

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