a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Silverton and Four Corners and More...

Evidence of rock "examination"...
Hubby's favorite picture.
Uncle Carl and Andrew in CO
Four Corners
Relatives' almost back yard
Aztec ruins.
The main complaint my companions had was I stayed too long in one place.  A ranger came to ask if we had any questions, the guys said no but we're sure SHE has some.  I love the guides and visited the kiva.  I had so many questions and visited so long my companions had to search for me and remove me from the grounds.  I don't get out much.  

Rocks are my pleasure.  It amazes me that every rocks hold millions of years of history and the structures hold even more knowledge.  The strata tells a story with every step you take.  I love the stories of the creation I see in even the tiniest stone.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

You just wanted to know more.
Isn't it wild to stand on the Four Corners?

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh now this is a place I would LOVE to go I love rocks and history and to combine the two would be incredible. I LOVE the top pic:) B

LilliStJohn said...

Even in front of the rest rooms, dear Gail, only you would find more species of rocks, no matter how large or small. I think I would have so enjoyed learning the history and scouring for rocks as well. They all tell a story eh, and I'll bet, when you get all your rocks home, you would remember exactly where you got each and every one. Sounds just great Gail.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

no wonder you stayed so long, the ruins are to you rock heaven... it sure is pretty and i like that wagon the guys are leaning on... and the shot of the most important place on a trip for me is great.

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

I love the Aztec Ruins. I once took 41 teenagers to that area that you are in to sing in and sleep on the floors of many a church. We did the whole 4 corners, Aztec, Farmington thing. Did they tell you at Aztec that the "ancient ones" used turkey feathers for diapers (papoose liners)? I swear that is the only thing those dingaling kids remembered about it.
Hope you had a great time looking at (almost) my neck of the woods. Oma Linda

LindaG said...

Never too much knowledge. Great scenery.
Have a wonderful day, Gail!

Pat said...

Sounds like you are having a riot on your trip. I remember the Aztec ruins well. I dropped my contact there, and actually FOUND it! We all went down in the Kiva. This is when we traveled in our pop-up trailer with the kids, many MANY years ago!

TexWisGirl said...

filled my heart. i so get it.

Anonymous said...

What a great trip!

Sketching with Dogs said...

I'm a bit like that when I find fossils on the beach. It is mind blowing to think they have been there a million years and I am picking them up.
Love the photo of the four corners.
Lynne x

thewovenspoke said...

Great story I truly miss living in that area and want to go camping in and around Silverton again. I really like that town.

thewovenspoke said...

Great story I truly miss living in that area and want to go camping in and around Silverton again. I really like that town.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Oh we have been soooo close to 4 corners, but we never get to it. One of these days..just so I can say I did!

Susan Anderson said...

I love rocks, too. Just love 'em.

Had to laugh reading that you always have questions for the guides. You and my husband would make a great pair. It is nearly impossible to pull him away from them!

And Andrew is growing up so fast!


Sandy Livesay said...

Rocks have so many stories to tell us. Ancient ruins are so fascinating to me.

Lynne said...

I am happy you had a chance to explore, examine, imagine!
And I like hubby's favorite photo . . .

Jenny said...

I love that picture of you!

I am often found in that position.

Especially on beaches filled with agates.

Or old mine grounds!

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Yep..stood on those four corners too! So many, many years ago.

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