a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Friday, June 21, 2013

Story Is Taking AS Long AS The Trip...

We had dress up performances,
with crazy nights 
of board and card games.
 Andrew, Robbie, Den and Carl
and me of course doing something different
Sinking my bare foot into a snow bank.
Vacation is about all new experiences.

Mostly I was barefooted whether in desert sand
or snow drifts or mountains springs.
My pockets always had a mysterious bulge from unknown items (rocks)
You can't prove a thing!
Not many pictures of me but one in the desert
where Hunter and I almost sizzled like bacon on a hot rock
but we made it.
We found a shade.
We found some rat jaw bones.
Took some flower pictures
and waited for Uncle Carl to come rescue us.
 The formations were wonderful
but just too hot for a four year old
and an old fat woman.
A beautiful cactus flower 
and I think we had experienced enough
desert beauty for one day.


Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Wow- is this New Mexico? Isn't the snow fantastic? You will have to take a picture of all of the rocks you collected.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that is a great first photo... he will remember that trip every time he sees that photo. jealous over the barefoot in the snow, and the cactus flowers...

Lynne said...

Your faces look steamy hot! Like to see Andrew still strumin!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

In that kind of heat I bet the cold snow felt good!

thewovenspoke said...

Ahh, so there is still snow in Silverton! I hope there are still some when I get up there in a couple of weeks! Last time I was there a couple of years ago there were 10 foot drifts up above timberline. It does feel good :)

Irene said...

I haven't been keeping track properly, what with all the things going on in my life, but it seems you had quite an adventure. Isn't it fun to travel through the States? There is so much variety. It would be like going from one country to another over here.

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

Now I feel kinda dumb. I have opportunity to stick my barefoot in snow and I never have. Never seemed exotic I guess. Sure am glad you enjoyed your trip to the max. Oma Linda

TexWisGirl said...

oh, you were overheating for sure! not good!

ellen abbott said...

it sounds like a great vacation seeing all kinds of beauty. I would be picking up rocks too. and sticks. and bones.

Sketching with Dogs said...

You are braver than me walking around with bare feet in the snow.
Wow, that looks so hot - if I ever get to America I hope I don't pass out with heatstroke!
Lynne x

Country Gal said...

Wonderful photos ! I am glad all are having a great time . Thanks for sharing it's nice to see places I know I will never get to lol ! Happy first day of summer !

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh I never thought about snow being new for you. The cactus and desert would be new for me. Oh I love blogging and getting to see what others see and feel. Thanks for the tour.Great shots. Hug B

Jenny said...

Fire and ice!

Too much for me!

Actually the ice sounds great...the heat is wearing!

I always have rocks in my pockets, too, and shoes are never quite as comfortable as padding around on my calouses!

Brian Miller said...

that is a lovely cactus flower....and ha, i am all about bare feet, so i am right there with you...after the heat it might not feel bad at all..

Sandy Livesay said...


There is nothing like going from one extreme to another in weather.

I love the picture of you and the little one. I can tell its hot there, your faces are red. Did you get sunburned? The picture of your barefoot in the snow is priceless.

DesertHen said...

I love the photo of you putting your foot in the snow! I would have done the same thing! Sounds like you and Hunter had a nice, but hot outing!

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Good lord! You both look like you are about to have heat strokes!!!

Susan Anderson said...

Rat jaw bones? Cool!

Love that quote by Cyril, by the way. Hadn't ever noticed it before!


LilliStJohn said...

Telling a story today with great photos and wonderful experiences. These photos are GREAT. I can relate to the SNOW :)

LilliStJohn said...

OOOPS, forgot to tell you I love that photo of Andrew :)

Rudee said...

Great photos. I hope your trip was nice.

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