a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Jumping Into Spring

with all feet in our neck of the woods.
Flexing those winter slow muscles, 
joyfully playing in the dirt,
and tracking down jobs.
 Things are going swimmingly
even with all the sh**.


Michelle said...

Sweet dogs! Looks like they were having fun!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Run, dogs, run! Catch that spring. And no more worrying about the yellow snow, just where you step.

TexWisGirl said...

happy pups.

Lee said...

They are beautiful dogs. It's obvious they enjoy their lives. :)

T. Powell Coltrin said...

We should all learn lessons from dogs. Yours clearly love their world.

Lynne said...

Feel better . . .
Loved the last pic . . ,
You GO girl . . .

Josie Two Shoes said...

LOL, love that grand finale! Life does indeed have it's share of that, but it looks like your crew is out there having a blast as things warm up and green up for another season. Hope this finds your spirits blooming was well. The cycle continues and all is well... or at least good enough! :-)
from Josie's Journal

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love those muscles stretching and the hunter looking for a job is so cute.. glad you are still swimming and keeping your head above the water. it looks like it was a beautiful day to be outside... i love the pic at the right side of blog of you in purple pants waving at me...

eileeninmd said...

Hello, I love all your puppy dogs. They look like they are enjoying their running and swimming and playing in the dirt. I hope all is well, enjoy your Sunday!.

Alica said...

Dogs with freedom look soooo happy! Hurrah for spring! Send warm weather east please! :)

Country Gal said...

Happy Puppy's having fun , Great photos , Glad you have you back in blog land , Happy Spring for you and for us as of tomorrow the weathers sunny and getting warmer each day the snow is finally done falling . Thanks for sharing ,have a good day !

Sandy Livesay said...

Fun time!!!! It's always good having happy dogs playing.

gld said...

Happy dogs! They have a beautiful place to run and swim.

Farm Girl said...

What a cute blog post, and lovely spring pictures.
I was thinking about you. I hope all is okay. ;)

Arkansas Patti said...

Is there more obvious joy than dogs at play? You have been missed. Hope all is Ok.

Inger said...

Dogs sure know how to live life to its fullest, don't they?

Far Side of Fifty said...

They are having a blast!! All dogs have to poop! :)

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

The dogs look like life is as it should be in your neck of the woods, enjoyable and natural. xoxo Linda

Lowcarb team member said...

Happy Monday Wishes Gail, well it is Monday as I type this ...

I am still laughing at your last photo and caption !
So lovely to see the dogs having so much fun, thanks for sharing.

Hope you have a lovely week, take care my blogging friend

All the best Jan

LindaG said...

It certainly was a gorgeous day there, Gail. ^_^

Susan Anderson said...

These are beautiful shots. Somehow, the dogs epitomize the joy of spring on that lovely land of yours.


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