a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Monday, June 22, 2015

Naked Bike Parade!!!

I just visited Jo(e)'s blog that witnessed a town celebrate the Solstice that way this year...by watching not participating. Now, my shocked mind went in a spin.  I pretty much tolerate anything but not sure I would want to be a participant nor a viewer of this.

I admit.  I looked.  The art and creativity was amazing.  The desire to duplicate this event did not enter my mind.

Then I thought about the bikes...Don't tell me that's comfortable for male or female!

I used to share my bike!  I would never think twice about loaning it out for a ride.  I'm sorry but I just can't look at bikes the same anymore.  I certainly won't be borrowing a stranger's bike for sure.

Makes me hesitate at purchasing a second hand bike but how do we know for sure the new bikes are not tested for this very event?

I guess I'm old fashioned or prudish.  I stopped and thought a while if there would be any reason I would EVER ride my bike naked.  Only one situation called for it.  If you ride your bike to a private swimming hole, go skinny dipping, and the owner shows with a shotgun full of rock salt...I had to admit I would ride my bike naked.  Like the wind.

**post meant to be humorous, not critical


MadSnapper n Beau said...

i think it is disgusting that they do it and that is what is wrong with our crazy world. the reason for rape and mayhem, people walking around with everything hanging out. i am sick to death of seeing women behinds and breast hanging out in the grocery store. i am sure God is not happy with it and neither am I...

Gorges Smythe said...

There's always Lysol!

kaykuala said...

It was then a naked Lady Godiva on a horse. Now being naked on a bike may get to be a trend-setting event!


Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh you made me laugh out loud today. Thanks for that. HUGS B

Gill - That British Woman said...

not my idea of fun either riding around on a bike naked, and not very hygenic if you ask me.

Anonymous said...

Oh, no...just..."NO."

Anonymous said...

P.S. I'm not a prude or anything like that. It just seems uncomfortable and unsafe. And, perhaps unnecessary. But, if they like it...go for it!

LilliStJohn said...

Well, there are nude beaches, nude islands, so perhaps the parade should be there. Each to their own if they ain't hurtin anyone, but not for GENERAL PUBLIC. Wouldn't do it myself cause it ain't my thang,

eileeninmd said...

Lol, I could never go naked anywhere in public. And going naked on a bike just sounds uncomfortable to me! Happy Monday, enjoy your new week ahead!

Jen said...

In a word? EEEEW. As to buying a bike second hand, you could always buy and brand new seat for it (and then hose the entire thing down forty seven times with Lysol ;o)

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

Well I had no idea about this unique observance. Now I do. Thanks for you Gail-take with a side order of giggle on this subject. tee hee

TexWisGirl said...

not even gonna look as i sure don't think it is comfortable or hygienic. :)

Far Side of Fifty said...

I thought the parade was great, I enjoyed the photos and all the works of art riding in the parade. I am certain there are more germs on the door knob to some people bathrooms than on that bike seat:)

Sketching with Dogs said...

Forgive me for laughing, that must have been quite a sight!
It reminds me of the Queen song Bicycle Race where the video was naked models riding bikes.
Lynne x

Farm Girl said...

I was almost afraid to click on your post :) I didn't know if you had taken up a new hobby. Just kidding. I just don't think it sounds like fun, I read about that activity but didn't want to see pictures.
I always think of the place that you could get sunburned. :)
Have a lovely week.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Unless they are hot chicks, I don't want to see it either.

Lynne said...

Fun read Gail and a fun visit to Jo(e)'s . . .
I wonder how many get stuck on their bike seat!
Said with a smile . . .

LindaG said...

Of course it was humorous. Though I would never participate, nor want to see one, either. ;-)
And I agree. It definitely makes you want to think twice about borrowing or buying a used bike!
Fun post, Gail. :-)

C-ingspots said...

Well...around here, Portland has a naked bicycle parade every year, and I can't even remember what the hell it's supposed to represent or celebrate, but knowing Portlanders - it's just to be weird! They (Portlanders) have a saying - "keep Portland weird!" and trust me, it is weird, and stinky and dirty, and everything else disgusting that so many cities are. It's not prudish to find this disgusting! Some of us have class and self respect, and well some others; not so much! And besides, it's not "the beautiful people" who participate if you're catching my drift!! And yes, EEEEUUUWWWWW - is right!!

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Ya know how to shock a Farm Chick's modesty and grab her attention all in one big swoop over the keyboard. Heeehehehee!!!

Ya'll survive tropical storm Bill OK?

Hope your havin' a bang up day my friend! :o)

jp@A Green Ridge said...

All I can say is .....Eeeeeeewwwwwwwww...no way, no how!...:)JP

M.E. Masterson said...

I had a bike once...used to ride it a lot! But gave it away last year to someone who was much younger and capable of using that seat!
I am not sure that the comfort would be the issue riding naked! Ewwww!
And the men...won't even go there!
When I lived in a little town in Northern Cali they had a naked gay event! OMG!! Not right....
I am happy to live in the part of the country where most people you see wear their clothes happily! Get enuf entertainment walking into the Big W store! They arrest naked people in public around here!!

Lowcarb team member said...

Can it be comfortable? No I don't think so .......

Have a good week

All the best Jan

Lux G. said...

OMG! The horror! :P

21 Wits said...

Oh goodness, no, funny never even thought about it, but then I can't even ride barefoot, my pedals are too ouchy! But you sure gave me the laugh of the day...just thinking about this! Imagine a bike race coming down the street...excuse me while I get up off the floor, again!

Ida said...

So not for me! Plus what kind of a message does that send out to children. What has happened to moral values.

Susan Anderson said...

I heard about this on the news. Couldn't help wondering why anyone would want to do such a thing? I think I would at least want some underwear on, just for comfort's sake!


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