a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

The Birds I've Missed

A woodpecker investigating a small bird house.
A Blue bird sitting on a post, yes, it's there
A Blue Jay looking for good pecans.
A small sparrow that worked hard to get the moth in his mouth.
I took pictures as he hopped and chased it.
It was a well earned snack.
A flighty Mocking Bird
who kept landing and taking off.
Another Blue Jay thought it was hidden
A wood pecker looking for a meal 
in the large pecan trees Mom and Dad planted when they married.
A shy Cardinal in a pine...
I need more practice!


eileeninmd said...

A great variety of birds and images. I love the woodpeckers! Have a happy day!

LilliStJohn said...

Its fun to watch the birds. You got some great shots there. I especially enjoy watching them in the bird bath in the back yard under the cedar tree in early evening all lined up for their baths. Sometimes I have to clean and fill the bath 2 or 3 times and its funny, but they patiently wait on upper branches while i do this. I love it. Nice photos Gail. H to M

X said...

I have been listening to the sounds of the woodpeckers in the evening, knocking out a rhythm on the tree. Lovely birds you did not miss.

Rose said...

Lovely pictures, how wonderful to have a tree that your mum and dad planted :)Best wishes, the sun is slowly coming out here!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

looks like you have a lot of different birds hanging out.. that silly wood pecker will NOT fit in that tiny box.. wait! maybe he was eating the box... Birds are hard because there is always something between us and the bird and because they fly if we get close

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

I'd say you are doing a good job with the bird photos. Those flighty creatures are not easy to get them to pose.

Buttons Thoughts said...

I think you did wonderfully all great shots. I love your birds. Hug B

TexWisGirl said...

every one is identifiable - except maybe the sparrow - so i think you did fine. love the wing action on the mocker.

Marion said...

Lovely birds and great photos. I have the same birds here in Louisiana. My Blue Jays are everywhere this year. xo

Lynne said...

You are catching quite a few birds and good shots . . .
Like "they" say . . .
Practice Makes Perfect!

Connie said...

What fun photos. We have a woodpecker around here, but we haven't seen him yet. You sure can hear him working away . . . I enjoy that sound:)

Susan Kane said...

Song-bird stalker at large! You certainly captured some lovely birds. I hear them in the morning. So delightful!

Sandy Livesay said...

Beautiful bird pictures, they're so magical when you watch them.

Far Side of Fifty said...

You are doing great with that new camera! You have a great variety of birds! Cardinals tooo...I am envious:)

21 Wits said...

Very cool birding with you like this!

Sketching with Dogs said...

Those are very good shots. Love the cardinal.
Lynne x

Linda Kay said...

Lovely group of pictures for your blog today with all the birds.

LindaG said...

I think your pictures worked out very well! We have those birds here, too. :-)
God bless, Gail. ♥

camp and cottage living said...

You are sure blessed with such an assortment of birds, Gail!
Do you live on a heritage farm? The one your folks raised you on?

ellen abbott said...

you need a zoom.

Ida said...

This is a fine selection of different birds. You did well.

DesertHen said...

Lovely feathered friends!

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