a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Friday, February 19, 2016

Fishing With Me

Retrieved my fish bait from my worm pit/compost pile, grabbed my purple rod and reel as Hubby gathered his little tackle box with all his lures etc.  Headed off in the Gator to the top pond with out the dogs that can't stay outta the water.  Lizzy got to go because you know she doesn't care too much for swimming.
Hubby starts reeling the bass in before I even get my bucket of worms unloaded.  My first cast I hang on a log and have to break the line.  Hubby says they're feeding deep so I trudge back to the Gator to get a float to hold my hook at the right depth.  I cast again.  

Oops!  Tangled up in a Button Willow in the edge of the pond and I'm NOT losing another hook, much less a floater.  After I retrieved the clippers from the Gator, off with my shoes and jacket. Pushed my pants legs up as far as they would go and stepped carefully into the mucky bottomed pond to save my float. Success.  Muddy feet are happy feet.
Contemplating which worm would be prime bait I wondered if they could feel that hook as I strung their little bodies on it.  Fished all my life and, believe me, the way they wiggle, they feel it! My line is still not in the water.
I was distracted by a rock.  Who, me??
I found another rock that fit my pocket.
Then decided to change fishing spots since I had no bites...
remember my line is not in the water.
Lizzy finds her spot
and I find mine far across from Hubby
where he continues to notify me with glee of how many he's caught!
My mess of fish is growing too!
Final tally...Hubby six, me twelve...but who's counting.
His stringer may be bigger but we all know size doesn't matter.
Mine were released into the spring pond
we're having Bass for supper.


21 Wits said...

Wow what a fun day out you all had, although some of it reminds me of fishing with my hubby, (but we seldom fish anymore hehehehehe!) I like throwing mine back too. Muddy toes and new rocks too, what a great day it was for you!

Eddie Bluelights said...

What a great day ~ I am a novice at fishing but can see it is so fun to do . . . :)

Nice to see you Gail . . . :)

IanH said...

What's your recipe for cooking rocks? Hehehe

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Extreme country fun, girl! Love it!

The Furry Gnome said...

Looks like good fishing!

Gorges Smythe said...

Bluegills are the tastiest fish going in my book!

LindaG said...

I agree, haha. I would have eaten the bluegill and released the bass; but bass feed more.
Glad you had such great fun, Gail! ♥

1st Man said...

Are these natural ponds/lakes on your property? We have a sort of natural pond "site", it's about an acre or more but it will require major work (and professionals, ha) to turn it into something. But I'd love to have something like you have to go fishing in. Get it stocked and have fun like that!!!

LilliStJohn said...

Aah, how nice to have this lovely pond on your property. We have many ponds around here, which are free to fish and then there is the St. Croix River and many branches and streams off that, so fishing is abundant here. I have often thought the same thing about the worms and agree with you, but I just bait my hook and go for the fish. I am hoping to catch one of those big Mother Eels this year down at the river. The eagles catch them with such ease; almost makes me jealous. ha,ha
Have a wonderful day, lit looks like you did - that is what I call a satisfying day, eh. H to M lol

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am giggling because I read you left the dogs home because they would not stay out of the water. then you took your shoes off and went in the water the dogs would not stay out of. after you went in you moved to the other side where there was water you did not go in. still laughing. that is a right good mess of fish. daddy always loved him a mess of fish and they looked just like these..

Buttons Thoughts said...

Your funny:) Good day for sure. Hug B

Josie Two Shoes said...

I loved this story of a fun time spent together... Life at its best, and fish for supper! Mmmm!

Anonymous said...

This is great! I wish I were there. I am a pretty serious fisher(wo)man!

Arkansas Patti said...

Interesting how your hubby brings food to the table and you relocate your catch. Sounds like you have a perfect day--muddy toes and all.

Sandy Livesay said...


Now that's my kind of fishing.
I love to venture around the edge of the water and checkout the rocks, bugs, and leaves. And to make the day go by a little cooler, wade in the water letting the mud squish between my feet.

Country Gal said...

What a fun post and great photos to ! Glad you both got some fish . I to love being at the waters edge so much to see . Thanks for sharing , have a good day !

Ida said...

I haven't been fishing in years. Those were some big bass your hubby caught. You caught quite a bunch for sure. I think Lizzy seemed to be enjoying herself.

gld said...

What a CATCH! and what a beautiful spot. Arkansas has so many beautiful spots just like that. You are a lucky lady.

Lynne said...

I love me some fresh Bass . . .
I'll be there . . .
Washed your feet yet?

Mary Ann said...

I like to fish. I do NOT like to catch or eat fish. :-) Lizzie has the best idea.

Lynn Hasty said...

Sounds like fun! And made me giggle to think of all of your busy-ness. :)

StitchinByTheLake said...

Freshly caught bass - nothing better! We're on a mission trip but when we get home I'm sending Jerry fishing right away! blessings, marlene

Lowcarb team member said...

Hi Gail
I'm just catching up with some blog reading ...
What a super post and a very nice catch.
My hubbie loves to fish and I'm a dab hand on the landing net ...

All the best Jan

Susan Anderson said...

What great fishing! haha that your line wasn't in the water…


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