a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Saturday, February 6, 2016

The Koi

the warm days
and food.


Harry Flashman said...

I really like Koi. When I was stationed in Japan, they were all over the place. No one can make a park or even a little garden like the Japanese, and contemplation pools were everywhere. No self respecting pond or pool would be without Koi in Japan.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Food that's not frozen. No one likes those frozen TV dinners.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so pretty. bob's sister had a koi pond in PA and they lived through all that freezing snow and ice and i could not believe it.

Anonymous said...

They are very pretty.

Country Gal said...

My mum and dad used to have goldfish in their little pond , did you know that they grow depending on the size of their environment ? the bigger the water area the bigger they grow ! cool eh? Lovely photos ! Thanks for sharing , Have a good weekend!

Ida said...

Koi are very pretty fish and a lot of fun to watch. Your pond looks great.

Arkansas Patti said...

I keep forgetting you have those lovelies. Bet they are enjoying this mild winter. I know they can survive the cold but I was wondering if you used a heater. The one I use doesn't make the water actually warm in my fountain, just keeps it from freezing. My frog loves it.

TexWisGirl said...

very cute.

Martha said...

Oh, how cute!

Lowcarb team member said...

I always think there is something relaxing about water and fish.

All the best Jan

LindaG said...

Love your fish, Gail. I would put some in the cow bowl here, but they'd probably eat our bait minnows!
Thank you for sharing that amazing pond you built. ^_^

Susan Anderson said...

It's a good life for the koi at Gail's farm.


T. Powell Coltrin said...

I would love to have a Koi pond, but that's too much work for my aging body to do and the wild critters would eat them.

gld said...

I am still amazed they can survive freezing temperatures. Very pretty fish.

LilliStJohn said...

I remember when you started building this and I am most impressed the Koi can remain there through the winter. If that was here, the little pond would be frozen, unless one had a heater, but then when the power goes out, it would still freeze. I don't know if they would be suspended sleeping through the freezing or somehow get so close to the bottom, that they would survive. Anyhow, its lovely to see them and the warm weather. Even after our snow storm the past 24 hrs, it turned into a very warm day - shirtsleeve weather. Pond looks really nice and Koi are most impressive. Have a wonderful day - its going to be one here :) H to M an all.

Henny Penny said...

I love your natural looking pool. The fish are so pretty and fun to watch.

Lynn Hasty said...

Thank you for sharing. I think what I miss most about my old life and the old house I left is my garden with the goldfish pond.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

It just amazes me how they pull through over the Winter, Gail!...:)JP

Lee said...

Oh, boy! It's a koi! No, it's not a boy koi, it's a girl koi!

Truedessa said...

reflective way to welcome a day...Glad to see you are still writing :)

21 Wits said...

They're always a treat to watch!

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