a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Saturday, March 12, 2016

A Quiet Day Interrupted...

On a quiet afternoon noise filled the valley.  This happens now and then but normally there is a fly over and that's it.  This was a fly over and back again.
Not the norm
So I grab my Power Shot...lens error!
As the helicopter hangs in the air I grab another camera and run out...lens error!
It hovers and keeps going lower.  I grab my Rebel with its little lens since my big Being Repaired lens is not home yet.  I am in my gown tail bare footed running across the farm like a crazy women. Snapping pictures. 

The helicopter dips.  Has he seen me??  I'm not letting him land.  Don't know what I planned but maybe throwing my body into the blades would get his attention!

Well, I got his attention and he begins to climb.  Only one person inside.  Then he flies quickly off and out of sight.  I have the number on the side and wondering what I can do with that.  I  am aware that after a certain height all the sky belongs to the government but I'm pretty sure this chopper was invading my space.

As I walk back to the house, satisfied as a dog running a deer outta the garden, I over hear Hubby and Andrew discussing the event.

Hubby:  Did it land?

Andrew:  Not yet.

Hubby:  Where's Nana?

Andrew:  Outside.  She's chased it off.

Hubby:  Well, I'll be damned.

Andrew:  Nana was pretty scary.  When the pilot saw her, he left.

What can I say??  I like my privacy if there is such a thing anymore.  Also got a post and exercise.


Lowcarb team member said...

Oh Gail what a great post too ... and I've so enjoyed the read whilst enjoying my mid morning Saturday cuppa ...
Well done and thank you.

May the remainder of your weekend NOT be interrupted!

Take Care

All the best Jan

eileeninmd said...

Wow, these are cool shots of the helicopter. I am sure it was very noisy! Happy weekend!

Buttons Thoughts said...

That is kind of scary. Good thing you are scarier LOL xo Hug B

Country Gal said...

Great shots , I would be furious with that many helicopters over our property making that noise and do the same thing as you did . I hope they dont do it again . Thanks for sharing , Have a good weekend !

TexWisGirl said...

goof. :)

T. Powell Coltrin said...

That is cool! Yes where there is government, there will be military displays. Nice pictures too.

Henny Penny said...

This was just great!! I was reading faster and faster trying to keep up with you. :)

21 Wits said...

Funny goof, what a lucky thing to see though. My hubby would be beyond happy to catch this!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i can't quit laughing long enough to type. this is hilarious. you should had added the shotgun with your camera. oh no not lens error .
these do not look military to me. are you close to a base? hope they were not survivalist looking for land to train on.. he he he..
send me the number and info so i can play with it. my curiosity is up on Red Alert... and i am still laughing... the rebel did a great job with that short lens.... i cant stand it, i have to know what/who/why

IanH said...

Maybe the U.S. Is invading. Wait a minute, you are in the U.S. Great shots! Scary mental picture! :-}

Mary Ann said...

We live so close to Fort Leavenworth and to the air base in Topeka this is common here :-)

Martha said...

HAHAHA! This was fun to read. And I kept reading faster and faster as the story went on. I really got into the pace. And you know, some of the best pictures come from running across the farm like a crazy woman :) I hope your weekend is a good one!

Alica said...

We have a power line running through our farm, and periodically helicopters come out to inspect them. That's all good...but the last time, the pilot hovered right over our meadow...with the cows in it...spooked them and we soon had broken fence wires and heifers where they shouldn't have been. Boy oh boy was I mad!

The Brown Recluse (TBR) said...

Your phrase "gown tail" brought back such sweet memories of my childhood...something my grandmother used to say.

Cynthia said...

Lol. You go girl!

gld said...

Greats shots of the planes. Is there some place you can call to find out if it was an exercise or just what. Very curious goings on.........

Arkansas Patti said...

Would have loved seeing you stopping the invasion with your lethal camera:) Your description and pictures however were almost like being there.

LindaG said...

That is an awful lot of helicopters. Have to wonder what they were doing.
And why you kept getting errors...

LindaG said...

Haha. Now I realize the first picture is... a multiple.
If you enlarge the bottom picture, I think there is more writing on it that might help you identify it.
I am thinking your writer friend might be able to help you find more information...

Farm Girl said...

I think that is very funny. I never can get my camera ready either.

Sandy Livesay said...


Interesting post, and a nosy chopper pilot. Makes you wonder what he/she was looking for.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Perhaps he was checking for a still:)

Susan Anderson said...

I like that vision of you scaring him off.


Debbie said...

hehehehe, i would have done the same thing!!! us photographers, interested in everything, will photograph anything!!! i wonder what all the fuss was about!!!!

Lynne said...

Oh my . . .
I wish I had seen you in person . . .
You go girl!
Turning them in?

Lee said...

That poor pilot will probably never be the same again! :)

Great pics!

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