a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Monday, March 7, 2016

When Exploring

it was warm enough for these to be moving.
I THINK it may be a Hobo Spider, Alex.

It's a Dark Fishing Spider not even close to a Hobo nor water.

I'm not very good at identifying spiders.  If anyone knows, please let know.  Hobo spiders are not supposed to be native here.

I know it looked BIG when we were looking eye to eyes.
I wonder if spiders have a book where they can identify humans.


Martha said...

HAHAHA! Your last line made me laugh out loud :) Great capture, Gail. I'm not sure what type it is but it's quite an interesting one.

eileeninmd said...

Good morning, that is a big spider. I am not an expert on spiders, I just hope they do not crawl on me. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

he/she hobo/not hobo looks wicked to me and a lot like the one that was sitting on my bathroom sink. mine was about the size of a fifty cent piece. hard to tell size on this one. i enlarged and can see very wicked scary detail... can we all say YIKES

gld said...

Scary looking one for sure. I have no idea which one it is. I hope you used the zoom on the camera!

LilliStJohn said...

Is this spider as big as it looks, or is that your zoom lens working. Wow, it is big. Hope its not a poison biter. YIKES.!

Farm Girl said...

That is a HUGE spider!!! Great pictures. I would be running to fast to take a picture I think.

21 Wits said...

A Hobo spider you say, I wonder if he lives the life of riding the rails. You know I'll have to google this now, because that's just the coolest name for a spider and I must know how he got his name! Learning it's what we do right!

Debbie said...

this girl, would NOT have been taking pictures!!! and i do not have a spider i.d. booklet....if i did, it would have spider webs on it. (pun intended!!!!!!)!!!!!!!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

You don't know???
If they had such a book, it would boil down to squishers and non-squishers.

Mooster said...

That is for sure NOT a hobo spider. I think it's a banded huntsman, which is harmless. She's just looking for breakfast, not trouble. :)

Lowcarb team member said...

I just loved your last line, I had to repeat it.

"I wonder if spiders have a book where they can identify humans."

All the best Jan

Linda Kay said...

Spiders identifying humans? I can't imagine how thick that volume might be.

Susan Kane said...

good answer, Alex. I catalog spiders as those that belong outdoors and those that will be whisked outside. Or squished.

IanH said...

That looks tasty. The tire that is!

Sketching with Dogs said...

Oh my Dog, that is one big spider, ~~shudder~~.
Lynne x

Country Gal said...

YIKES !! The warm winter and now warmer spring like days here are bringing all kinds of bugs out and about to . nice photos even they are of big spiders lol ! Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

Cynthia said...

A very handsome spider, whatever he is called. I'm keeping an eye on our big spider egg cases, all 8 of them, but no sign of life yet. I hope I don't miss their emergencies!

Arkansas Patti said...

Spiders could use a human identification book to see if we are runner and screamers,live and let live types or worse yet, killers. I am not wild about them but you can put me down as a live and let live person.

Anonymous said...

Oh...yikes...no. Just...no. I do not spiders. I respect them in their homes and tend to go the other way. (She is huge!)

LindaG said...

You got way closer than I would have!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we have the wolf spider here, and they jump. they do look a lot like each other. first time hearing fishing spider. i know in GA there were spiders that ran accross the water, but don't really remember them.

Josie Two Shoes said...

Spiders intrigue me, including the hand sized tarantula that I spotted trecking across the outside wall of our house one day! I told him that he was welcome to visit as long as he remained OUTSIDE! Your closing thought made me laugh, I have often wondered what critters must think of us humans. I bet our behavior confuses them a lot! :-)

Lee said...

Ask him next time you see him...when he's tired out! ;)

Susan Kane said...

Spiders are awesome creatures. Scary, true, but awesome.

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