a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Sometimes You Get Lucky

and meet wonderful people with stories to tell
and with great cars filled with history.
This was our day.

Like a excited child I oohed and awed.  Then I asked a total stranger if I could photograph his car. He pleasantly acquiesced and began to share tales of his interstate travel and southern engineering repairs along the way.  It contained the original motor. I was too enamored with history in my face to even think to snap a picture.  Hubby knew the questions to ask as we were told it was a 1927 Model T Ford.  

The conversation turned to Dad's old Motel T that sits here At The Farm.  Discussion led to parts. We have the frame, the motor and many, many parts of it here and there. I have the man's name and number and the knowledge he loves his car as much as Dad did his. He said this car began as only a frame.

The thought occurred to me that maybe Dad would be proud to have a man who loves this car so much take what is left and give it life again.  I will discuss it with family.  

If I have learned nothing else in this life I have learned things unused do not last.  So I'm still thinking. I believe Dad would like the idea of his car living on and loved by a master mechanic and a keeper of stories and history.  

I have no idea what to ask for a price.  I'm just thinking Dad would like it to happen.  We will see...


kaykuala said...

Have it done up and it'll later be worth a tidy sum to a collector. Give it to him as it is he'll take it as junk. Lots of thinking on this lest one regrets for letting through the fingers a fortune. Good luck Gail!


Gorges Smythe said...

Better to preserve it than let it rust. Get what you can for it; you've been nice enough to save it, they should try to pay what it's worth.

Buttons Thoughts said...

I do believe your Dad would love that. HUGS B

eileeninmd said...

Hello, what a beautiful old car! I think your Dad would be happy if his old car came back to life. Enjoy your day!

Country Gal said...

Now that's a car and conversation I like ! I love vintage vehicles , Our friend and neighbor is a mechanic and he loves to fix up vintage vehicles I got photos of quite a few on was a 1921 Model T ford and what a beauty he also has a soft spot as I do for vintage trucks I would love a vintage 1963 Chev side step truck in the original turquoise colour . Wonderful photos and post Gail the history of these beauties is amazing . Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

LilliStJohn said...

There are many people (collectors/mechanics) that are always on the lookout for such a nice find. You should think hard on this, for many people make much money finding an oldie like your Dad's and some put it to good restoration, others make a bundle selling it off to the highest bidder. Lots to think about, but at the same time, it is just sitting there, right. We have an olde car club here in town and people drive hundreds of miles to pick up an old abandoned or not used car like your Dad's. They also pay the price to buy these olde goodies, because once restored, you can turn it around and make money and own bragging rights. This is a beauty you have on this post and to think your Dad's could be restored- how nice is that.

21 Wits said...

A fine beauty it is! I like going to these car shows too. Cool photos.

LindaG said...

Very interesting post. Will send you some info in email.
Have a blessed day, Gail!

Arkansas Patti said...

You shouldn't have any problem finding a caring home for your Dad's car where it could be reborn. Just make sure you get visiting privileges in the bargain.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

great news. for each part you have, type it in google and find what ohhers are selling for. that is what American Pickers do when they need a price. i think it is better for the parts to be used than to lay around rusting.... i love to see old cars tothether again. we had a model t when i was 2 but i have no memory of it

Sketching with Dogs said...

I have no interest in cars at all - until I see the old classic cars. They are so beautiful and have so much personality you just have to admire them.
I hope you manage to get your dad's old car up and running.
Lynne x

Anonymous said...

If you feel that way, you are probably right. Your dad may very well enjoy seeing his car brought into this time, by someone who appreciates it. You may want to Google the make, model, and parts to learn more. Follow your heart and gut here. Hugs.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Far Side of Fifty said...

Take a vote! I hate to see stuff laying around getting older turning into nothing. You will come to the right decision:)

Martha said...

I'm sure that would make your dad happy!

Sandy Livesay said...

Gorgeous car! What a lovely way to pay tribute to your Dad by sharing his car parts with another person who loves their 1927 Model T. Ford.

Lee said...

Uh-Oh! This is a no-brainer! Of course you're going to have the car restored! :)

Lynne said...

Now I would call this a beautuful, exceptional day . . .
I would listen to your insides . . .

Lynn Hasty said...

Love the thought of your dad's car coming to life by way of someone who would love it!

Ida said...

Old cars are fun to look at for sure. I think it would be great if you are able to find someone to restore or work on your dad's old car.

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

It would be a hard decision to make though I can see the logic. I wish you had the money to have it restored but it really can run into a lot of money with old cars like that. What a treasure it would be. I loved driving the old cars..and yet the way it is, I imagine it would otherwise just continue to deteriorate. A very difficult decision.

Cynthia said...

A ride in a Model T is on my bucket list! No opportunities yet but I'm still hoping. I would just bet your dad would love to see his up and running again if he were still here. I kind of like the way this one has been restored, not all shiny and chromed up but fun and funky.

gld said...

I think it is a great idea! Sometimes I am willing to give something away rather than let it slowly sink into the ground.

Susan Anderson said...

What a cool car!

And I have to agree that your dad would probably be thrilled to have his car put to rights and appreciated by an expert.


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