a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Fruitless Turns Around

Just like trying again and again to capture a humming bird, life sometimes seems to work against you. Fruitless....or it seems that way.

My oldest sister, Marcy, was a school teacher for the same school for thirty-seven years.  She retired and like me and our other sister moved to the farm to help Mom and Dad in their later years.  She left behind her house.

I'm not sure how long we've all been at the farm because the years have a way of piling up and mixing all together but it's been a while.

Marcy's plans to renovate and sell the house were put on hold with Mom's death, Dad's Alzheimer's and death,  Hubby and then Marcy herself became sick.  With odds and ends of semi-emergencies sprinkled in the mix just to keep us on our toes, time passed  Life has a way of interfering with your plans.

I'm not telling this as a sad tale but only as an introduction to a miraculous day.

I believe her house sat vacant for over five years.  The renovations were not completed.  She still had the power on and paying taxes with nothing showing for it.  Being the busybody sister that I am I became determined to change this for her.

On line I went looking for real estate agents. Checked their specs and contacted a couple.  Marcy got a letter outlining what she needed to do...and there it sat for a couple of months or longer.

Being the bullheaded determined person I am, I finally just said, This day we are going to look at your house and get it listed.

We headed out...in a car.

Do you have the agent's number?  No, the letter's at home.  Okay, we will just pick the first office we see. (I got funny looks),

Stopped to potty and we didn't have a clue where a real estate agent was. Marcy picked up one of those free real estate books to see if there is one close.  A lady walked by and asked Marcy if she was looking for a place.  Marcy said, No, selling.  She and the lady began to talk.  This is the same lady we had been in contact with by mail!  What are the odds of that??

I told Marcy I thought this was a sign and we were going with this agent.  It felt like God had put her in our path.  And the agent was not the only person God would place in our path this day.

We arrived.  Entered.  Remodeling material still there.  Every thing looked okay.

City Marshall showed up.  Visited for a while.  An old friend showed up to visit with Marcy. Then a new neighbor that moved in after Marcy moved out showed up.  The city was having a clean up and a recycle drive to pay for the city's fire works display.  He offered to take anything we were going to discard.  Out washer, dryer, refrigerator, out broken things and trash with an offer to clear the things that pile up around the shed in every one's back yard.  Done, done and done!

A past student of Marcy's stopped by to visit.  Offers to send the local boy scout troop to clean her yard! Good lesson for them on helping neighbors, she said.

Real estate agent is called and arrives.  Marcy does the paperwork.  As soon as the price is known people are on the phone calling neighbors.  One man came to look at the house before the agent ever left.

Sooooooo, we piled what we could in the car from the house with plans to return with a truck to get her last bit of possessions.  The house is almost empty but the shed is full.  I have feelers out (with Marcy's approval) to donate most of Marcy's teaching supplies where they can be used by teachers or the church or some place they will be loved.

Hopefully, soon this will be a past chapter for Marcy she can close with a smile and a happy ending.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

That definitely was God! You took the steps and He made it all fall into place for your sister. Hope the place sells soon and you can close the book.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

can you feel the earth shaking? that is me doing a HAPPY DANCE.. great news, will start praying for a quick sale, talk about a day of miracles. wow

eileeninmd said...

What a great story. Things just happened almost magically with a perfect ending. Friends and neighbors are like angels. I am hoping your sister already has an offer and a contract! Happy Wednesday, enjoy your day!

gld said...

I don't things like that happen without a higher intervention.

I hope the house sells. What a load this will be off your Sis. You are a good sis to have!

Lynne said...

I like happy stories . . . "life winks" . . .
It's happening . . . isn't it . . .
The house will be sold in a blink . . .
I knew you were a "make it happen" kind of gal!

Sandy Livesay said...


I've said a prayer for Marcy's house. The prayer was a quick sale, and a smooth closing :-) There's a reason everything moved smoothly so far.......

Susan said...

Well, thank goodness for determined sisters. I am a firm believer in making things happen. While I believe in Divine Intervention, I also believe that sometimes it takes our own actions to get the reactions we are looking for. Sending positive thoughts towards Marcy's house.

Country Gal said...

Awesome photo , it took me years to get decent photos of hummers as they are so tiny and fast . Wonderful story . I hope the house sells and Marcy gets a good price for it . Yup somethings just happen to all come together for good reason . Glad to hear all is going well and all are well to ! Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

Gorges Smythe said...

Sometimes, things DO work out!

Anonymous said...

I love the way you wrote this post. I, too, believe that things happen for a reason. Sometimes we wait and wait...nothing happens. It seems that things are dormant, even stagnant. The with just a slight breeze, things fall into place. I am praying that Marcy will get that house sold, so she can finally settle in at The Farm. Hugs.

Lowcarb team member said...

Sometimes life can take an amazing turn ... it is meant to happen ... and it does.

A very uplifting read, hope things continue well.

All the best Jan

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

How wonderful. Sometimes we just walk the right path and the answer is right there. Sounds like the divine has an eye on you too. xoxo Linda

Mary Ann said...

God bless you, Gail... and well done!

Arkansas Patti said...

Somethings are just meant to be. That was an amazing coincidence with the realtor and I am sure the rest of the pieces will also fall into place--like an easy sale. Ya done good Gail.

LindaG said...

What a blessed day. This is a wonderful post, Gail. Blessings. ♥

Martha said...

What a wonderful, joyous story. I really enjoyed reading it. And what a beautiful photo, too. I've been taking photographs for years and have never captured a hummingbird. It is quite challenging. Well done, you!

Far Side of Fifty said...

It was meant to be! How wonderful to get some help with the project!! I hope it sells soon:)

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

My gosh, Gail..I remember about this. Was it in letters..I think so. I am so darned pleased! Tenacious little girl if there ever was one..yep..that's you! Good for you, it's finally done!
:) Happy St. Patrick's day.. Hugs!

Susan Kane said...

Marcy is making a wise decision to move forward. It will be a big weight off her shoulder

Lee said...

I believe it won't be on the market for long...there is a buyer just around the corner.

You're a good person, Gail. :)

Susan Anderson said...

I like to call those little coincidences in life "tender mercies." And it sounds like you had more than one!


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