a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Tuesday, May 17, 2016


always has surprised me.  Why would anyone on God's green earth ever be bored?!  I know I'm blessed with a beautiful spot here but even in a padded room I like to think I'd entertain myself by discovering the thread count on the walls.
Once I made the mistake of telling my mother I was bored...a newly heard word.  I was quickly trained never to say that again.  I believe I emptied the entire bedroom, cleaned it from top to bottom and then was sent to the barn to clean the chicken house and the milking stall.  Through the course of the day I was asked if I was bored.  I learned to appreciate where ever I was and learned how to entertain myself with no complaints.
I understand all are not as fortunate
but unless we've lost all our senses
there's no excuse for boredom.
We must learn to "bloom where we are planted"
and maybe take a little time to soak up the sun's love.


Gorges Smythe said...


eileeninmd said...

Hello, so true! I just wish we had more sunshine lately, to help me bloom. Lovely shots! Happy Tuesday, enjoy your day and the week ahead!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

amen sista!!!! agree 100 percent.. love your water bugs and lizards and butterflies...he he he on the thread count of the padded wall... can i have my kindle in that padded room?
i am still laughing over the boredom cure from your mom. bet that was the last time you said that word.....

Susan said...

Funny, I learned that there is no such thing as boredom pretty much the same way - without the barn/milking stall cleaning. We lived in the suburbs. I can't say I have ever been bored since. There is so much going on! Even in my so-called down time, I'm doing crossword puzzles. I think it's more - so much to do/see/live and so little time. Love your photographs and your words.

Adam said...

I do remember being bored a lot in childhood

Blogoratti said...

That's a great lesson about boredom. The world is filled with a million things and thoughts, and one should never be bored. Warm greetings!

Sandy Livesay said...


Amen!!! Don't ever say you're bored in front of a parent.....you'll end up paying the consequence if you do :-)

Farm Girl said...

My Mom must have known your Mom. I remember when I heard that word too and tried to use it. Same thing pretty much happened to me too.
When our kids used the word, we thought up work too. I don't think they used it too much. I see them passing it on to their children. :)
The work vs bored.
I love your pictures. I can't remember ever being bored ever. Well, maybe in school. :)
Have a lovely day Gale

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I'm never bored. I learned early on how to amuse myself.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Love this! Not sure I could handle a padded room, but I do know that the older I get the less time I have to feel bored. Life is truly too short to waste a second in self pity!

Arkansas Patti said...

You said it. I must have been on occasion but as a kid I never remember being bored and rarely am today. Today's kids are when they lose signal.

Debbie said...

YeS!!! never bored, i love everything and never have a moment to spare. life, it's just how i wanna it!!

Martha said...

What a lesson to learn about boredom. I bet you never forgot that one :)

There is always something to do. Always!

Susan Kane said...

Boredom has never been in my dictionary. As you said, God's creation always reveals something new.

Aw, turtles. I have not lived in the world of box or snapping turtles in years. Desert turtles are off limits by preservation law.

Susan Kane said...

oooops. Water bugs, not turtles. Shoot. Not so cool.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I agree! I am never bored. Your mom was a wise woman.

Anonymous said...

Your post and my post have similar threads: the "Blooming" thing. Good post, my friend.

Michelle said...


Lowcarb team member said...

Well I too am going with a very popular but correct response...


All the best Jan

gld said...

I gave a lecture to my grandchildren when they were much younger and said they were bored....and on the farm!

I have been know to count the ceiling tiles while waiting in doctor's exam rooms...................

Cynthia said...

Ha ha, my mom used the same strategy to cure my boredom and I passed it on to my children. It works! I am never bored either and can't imagine being. Always, always so many more things I want to do than there is time for.
Catching up on reading blogs since my return from Minnesota. Looks like you are having a lovely spring.

Susan Anderson said...

My mom always told us there is no such thing as a bored person….only a boring one.


Josie Two Shoes said...

Amen! I learned it pretty much the same way, lol. Like you, I don't understand people who are bored. I have an infinite number of things I need to do, want to do, and enjoy doing, and there is never enough time to get to most of them. Even if it's just curling up with a cat and a good book! I think it's important to learn to enjoy the blessing of our own company from time to time. I really liked this post!

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