a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Follow Your Toes

Winter with shoes has softened my feet I discovered quickly as I waded through a few gravel beds.  I found myself seeking sand and softer walking.  I had to go slower than last summer. I lose my balance easier.  Soon I may need a staff to navigate the creek beds but not yet.
The Heal All plant has a good stand this year.
The Spittlebugs or baby Froghoppers
hide within the safety of their own froth 
until they transform from nymph to an adult. 
It was a good day to follow my toes.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

oh wow on the spittle bug, have never seen or heard of that. love the pic of your shoes... if you move to FL you can go barefoot year round. Just sayin..... i am with you on the lose balance thing and the walking slower, things they are a changing with my body and what it does...

eileeninmd said...

Hello, my feet would never be ready for this walk in the creek. I could wear my shoes into the water though. The froth or Spittlebugs is new to me. Pretty flowers! Happy Sunday, enjoy your day and the week ahead.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I doubt my feet would handle walking through a creek full of rocks.

21 Wits said...

My feet too, and I imagine if the bottoms of my feet could speak, they'd ask me (every time I walk barefooted outside) really, you really want to do this to us?! I really enjoy your nature discoveries and that froth, and frog (whatever sounds interesting) I always learn something new here.

21 Wits said...

This is so cool because I've seen that froth before and never knew what it was, and now that I know and googled I am so much the wiser. Thank you!

Lynne said...

Great post Gail . . .
I think you're in your realm when you are barefoot in that stream!

Gorges Smythe said...

I always was drawn to water. Good post.

gld said...

I am not a barefoot outside person. Not since I stepped on a snake on the way to the mailbox several years back!

I could do the water thing with my Crocs though.

Alica said...

There's something so fun about walking barefoot in the creek! My feet are soooo tender, and I'd have to go really slow right now. I haven't developed what I call "Amish feet" yet. They go barefoot everywhere. Everywhere!!

LindaG said...

It was indeed a good day!
Have a blessed Sunday and a great week, Gail!

Ginny Hartzler said...

That froth cocoon is amazing, I have never seen anything like it, and never heard of it. Do the birds or anything eat it? Or is the foam bad tasting? I have never seen any heal-all plants either. So this is all new exciting stuff for me. I lost my balance years ago! I have to be very careful now, but will not use a cane yet!

TexWisGirl said...

good for you.

Linda Kay said...

I'm a bit of a tenderfoot myself.

Arkansas Patti said...

Hope you toughen up those soles soon. I know you love
barefootin it. Hum, maybe I need to plant some heal all plants. They sound useful.

IanH said...

Fishing rod! Use a fishing rod as a staff. Be prepared is my motto! :-}

Martha said...

We have very long winters, so you can imagine how tender footed some of us become by spring!

Fun post!

Lee said...

Using a staff/walking stick would be far better than falling. :)

Farm Girl said...

What a lovely walk. My feet are too tender too.
I love seeing all of the wonders you have around you.

Lowcarb team member said...

I always take extra care ... the older we get we are not so agile ...

I do like your series of photo's, a few years back now but we used to get a lot of 'spittlebugs' so seeing these bought back memories.

Hope the new week has started well for you - take care

All the best Jan

Susan said...

That water looks so tempting! I am waiting for the ground to warm up here so I can go barefoot and recharge my inner magnetism! :)

Anonymous said...

Your feet will be up to those outings in no time! Cute shoes.

LilliStJohn said...

I saw a shoe by a stream in the woods yesterday , but I knew it wasn't yours, for it was much larger. I can tell I am feeling getting older, as we planted parts of garden and some new flowering perennials. I have always wanted a long bloom bleeding heart and planted two yesterday in small garden in back yard. I am excited to watch it grow, along with all the others. Yep, get those feet toughened up and be careful. Tread carefully, we don't want you scaring the fish. ha,ha H to M lol

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Snakes are out here, so no crick walking yet. :( I didn't know what that was, so I have learned something new from you today!

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Oh Gail...I haven't followed my toes in so many years. My feet have been coddled to death and could feel a pea through a mattress! UGG slippers have made sissies of my feet. I LOVE where you live! I've become WAY too citified. :) Thanks for stopping by..little dog is back on his doorstep with the kitty for the summer. Guarding the little Fairy house and garden. Happy Wednesday to you Gail. Sending love. Mona

Susan Anderson said...

Following your toes takes you to some pretty neat places.


Susan Kane said...

This stirs up some mighty good memories of our family wading in Cold Run creek. Tough feet, impervious to cold...good times.

Soon it will be flip flop days.

Lux G. said...

Oh, that's the Heal All plant. Nice!
It's indeed a good day to follow your toes.

Josie Two Shoes said...

I loved your barefoot comfort when we were there, it reminded the Papa Bear of his childhood when shoes were never worn in the summer except to church. Yes, we may be a bit more off-balance as we grow older, but there are those who might argue that we've always been a bit off. ;-). xoxo

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