a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Crossing The Rivers Again...

Headed south to Marcy.  Please excuse my medical terms and my misspelling because I have no ideal what the names are.

Marcy was up walking today and learning how to care for herself.  The Trak? has been removed and replaced with a much smaller device I think they called a Larry Tube where her prosthesis will be installed.  This will enable her to breath freely. After therapy she will be able to speak almost normally.

Hubby and I are going to be trained to help if she has difficulties when she arrives home. I am not a nurse but will do the best I can.

Not really what I had planned for retirement but Marcy needs us and she would do the same for us.  In fact, I have shown you pictures she has taken while sneaking around keeping an eye on Hubby with his heart condition.  He never knew he was being spied on.

I have been baby sitting my youngest grandson from after school until his dad gets off work.

All the things I think I had planned for retirement have not fanned out yet...but they will because I feel your prayers and well wishes.  Thank you.

Yesterday I woke Andrew for school, feed cats and chickens.  Did some laundry.  Hubby and I went to the chiropractor.  Hit the bank and Fred's looking for a pair of shoes like I gave to the angel at the hospital.  Answered phone calls, made phone calls, did paper work, babysat then fed all the animals again after I had gone through the mail for the day.  I stopped at eight.

I hope I am able to do what is needed. 


StitchinByTheLake said...

An every day prayer for me is for the strength to do what is needed Gail. And He always provides it. I know he'll do the same for you. I do sometimes wish there was less to do though! blessings, marlene

T. Powell Coltrin said...

It sounds like a lot to do, my friend, but I know you will be able to get it done.

Life doesn't always go as planned. I hate that.


LilliStJohn said...

HiYa Gail - you will do fine and my how the hours pass by. Sounds like Marcy is doing tremendously well and soon be home. You won't have the travelling thing once she is settled, except for checkups, so that will give you more time at home. Everything will fit into place and everything will work out once you establish a routine at home. Kids here do not start school for another couple of weeks. Have a great day and do not forget to rest a bit here and there yourself. Prayers n Blessings.

Lynne said...

Retirement is stopping what we were doing and begin doing some new things . . . Well, certainly isn't happening for you YET is it . . . Your day HAS TO BE just around the corner, yah think?

Sandy Livesay said...


Drive carefully!
Give Marcy a hug for me :-)
I know this is not what you planned for retirement. Marcy understands and is very thankful that you're there for her. I hope your able to find another pair of those shoes you gave the friendly girl for helping you out.
Have a great day.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

just think what this would be like if your were still working. impossible comes to mind. hope all goes well with getting Marcie home.

Farm Girl said...

I will continue to pray for you all. Do you wonder how you ever had time to work? I always think that. Sometimes I think if I went to work every day I would get a lunch hour and I would get off at a decent time. Not so when you work at home full time all day every day. I am glad Marcy is doing better and she will be coming home.

Dreaming said...

You will have no problem doing what is needed. However, you must remember to include 'me' time in your day. Other things can and will wait!
Yeah, I'm being a bit bossy here! But I think it is really important. (Oh, and don't ask if I always do it... I guess it's one of those 'Do as I say, not as I do things!! LOL)

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

You certaily do have lots on your plate right now....but you know darling, I have a feeling that you will do a fabulous job of keeping it all together for all concerned. Please know that the positive thoughts and good energies are being directed towards you and yours. Oma Linda

Irene said...

Well Gail, at least you know why you are retired. It's to have time to take care of everybody else. At least you know you are being loved and appreciated very much. Your help and presence is worth more than a paycheck. I'm sure there will be a very comfortable place for you in the here after where you can rest on your laurels. Take good care of yourself in the meantime too.

Much love!

Far Side of Fifty said...

You will do great caring for Marcy! Catch a nap or two one of these days..you have lots of people to take care of:)

TexWisGirl said...

you've got a lot on your plate, but i think you always have. the things are just different now.

Rudee said...

Hopefully, you'll also get a visiting nurse once Marcy is home so she/he can reinforce the teaching you'll get at the hospital. Worry not, my friend. You'll get this and you'll become adept at this type of care.

LindaG said...

*hugs* and God bless, Gail.

It wasn't what you had planned, but I think it is easier to care for her after retirement than if you were still working.

And you will do more than fine, Gail. ♥

Susan Anderson said...

I have a feeling all of you will move along together just fine.

You are a good sister.


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