a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Monday, August 27, 2012

Policing The Yard...

I got out awhile Sunday. Marcy is doing better so I walked around a little. The water garden is perking up after my severe cleaning.
The dogs have greatly enjoyed the private pool
in the front yard.
Every rock tells a story,
not only geologically
but also emotionally.
Crystals from Mount Ida
I would like to thank everyone for all your well wishes and prayers during Marcy's surgery and ongoing recovery. 
As I turned to go back indoors the sun was setting and I could see the moon. 


Lynne said...

Very nice Gail . . . You are a wonderful sister and nurse . . . As Marcy continues to improve . . . enjoy your outdoor "police work!"

LilliStJohn said...

Like that car. Do you patrol often. ha,ha
Garden has sprung with new life and good to hear Marcy is improving.
Off on another day on the Bay - picnic, dogs, chairs, fishing rods,etc,etc,etc

LilliStJohn said...

I could not get "proof of your strangeness" to open - Blogger says it does not exist??

MadSnapper n Beau said...

and don't forget the frogs that adore your pond....

Sandy Livesay said...

Sometimes a nice quiet walk around the yard becomes a great place to relax. I like those crystals, thats neat.
I'm glad to hear Marcy is doing well :-)

Country Gal said...

Pond looks great ! So glad to hear Marcy is doing well ! That fist photo and words made me giggle cute ! Have a good day !

Pat said...

I love that rock. This is beautifully written.

All is well At the Farm. This makes me happy.

Susan Anderson said...

Glad you were able to get some quiet time outdoors today. That is always so healing.

And I'm glad Marcy is healing!


jp@A Green Ridge said...

Good to hear you got some time too! Her rebounding shows in your words!...:)JP

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh outside is where you need to be. The pond looks great. Hugs B

Farm Girl said...

I am so glad. I am glad you were able to walk around too. Beautiful rocks. I love rocks too. Still praying for you all.

LindaG said...

Haha. I like that little police car. Reminds me of hubby's story.
When he was little, he had the old metal Tonka trucks, and spent hours pushing dirt around in the back yard.
Now he does it with BIG 'Tonka' toys. ;o)

Glad to hear you were able to take a little time for yourself, Gail. *hugs* God bless. ♥

Dreaming said...

Glad to hear you had a chance to get out and reflect on the beauty of your yard.

carolina nana said...

Glad Marcy is getting along with her recovery. Time will heal.
Still praying each day for all of you

Rudee said...

It sounds like the initial panic is settling down into a more sane rhythm. I'm glad for you and for Marcy.

The garden looks beautiful.

DesertHen said...

There is beauty in strangeness! So glad to hear that Marcy is doing well! =)

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