a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Monday, August 13, 2012

Retirement Is Too Much Work!

 After cleaning this little spot
Here is the next.  The wonderful Honeysuckle has taken over.
I have not been lazy.  Post 2011 Hubby has been unable to do much
except by riding machine.
When I was home, I did the essentials.
I already have a nice pile!
Soon I will have another spot to celebrate
and my cannas can flourish again.


Mimi Foxmorton said...

I have to smile.

When I bought my house I thought....oh, this will be wonderful! I'll make it look like the magazines! How hard could it be?


Carry on...... lol

And have a wonderful week!

The Goat Borrower

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i like the fire shot... i love burning things and playing in a fire like that. don't love all the work you are doing, but it is a healthy thing to do.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Ok, you're making me tired now- HA HA !

Sandy Livesay said...


You've been pretty busy again, I see. So can Honeysuckle take over like Wisteria?

the canned quilter said...

Oh my! I have a couple of spots like you can tackle when you get finished. Seriously the goats are working on them already : )Hugs

LilliStJohn said...

Yah, the chores get behind, now once all this is repaired n cleaned up, you can relax until next chore. Never ending - I know - always something to do. I have to repair boards on back deck and yes, I can do it. I am doing it in sections and have the final section to complete when weather is cooler. I like that photo of the pond - I know I already said that in another post Gail, but I just really like it :)

TexWisGirl said...

you're still able to have a burn pile? i'm surprised! even tho we're so much better off this year, we're under a burn ban again for the past 2 mos.

ellen abbott said...

spread it out. you don't have to do it all in the first two weeks!

Barbara said...

Yeah tell me about it, I don't know how we found time to work outside the home, ugh, so much to do, we stay so busy and being retired we can do all day not just part of the day, lol

T. Powell Coltrin said...

Being at home more helps us see clearer what needs to be done. That's why I keep my eyes shut when I'm home.

Rudee said...

I love the pond area. See? It just needed a little TLC. I'm glad you have the time now to see to things that bring you pleasure.

Susan Anderson said...
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Susan Anderson said...

We're finding that, too. Dave's retirement is equally busy to his working days.

But filled with better things...


Buttons Thoughts said...

Great job I have not worked for a pay check in my name for 32 years but I can say I work harder in retirement than I ever did in any of those jobs I had. Slow done you will wear yourself out. B

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Honeysuckle and Va. Creeper can take over for sure!!!!! Seems like the WEEDS flourish constantly... I can weed an area ---and have to do it again in just a month or so... Those darn weeds are healthy.

You are doing a great job of clean-up though.... Good Luck.

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Tip~toein' in....

I hear ya loud and clear sister. 'Retirement' became a big joke here 'round the Ponderosa.

I still can't figure how I made time to work or raise the kiddos. Go figure! Heeehehehehe!

God bless your busy day sweetie.

Slitherin' quietly outta here......

Maude Lynn said...

The work never stops!

carolina nana said...

Isn't it funny how some things can grow prolificly without rain ??
The vines and weeds seem to need nothing to grow out of control.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Looking good! If we grow Cannas up here they have to be dug in the fall. Your row will be looking good after a few days:)

LindaG said...

Boy, we hear you on the work, Gail.
You have accomplished a LOT, too.
Have a good night and a wonderful week. ♥

Jim said...

I'm smiling too! That was an ozymoron, retirement is supposed to be a respite from work.

BTW, my no "E" Saturday Centsus post is on my other blog,
Jim's Saturday Centus tales

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