a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Saturday, May 4, 2013

A Road That Leads To Real Toads

Lance and His Dog by Edward Lear
Is my choice of subject for
Our challenge by IGWRT presented here
Lance knew not what fate awaited him
Along with his dog Jim
They had cavorted and recklessly played
Within the garden so artfully laid 
When done there were only limbs.
Oh but there was a saving grace
The pair hadn't destroyed the place
As they bowed to receive their chewing
The master noticed what they'd been doing.
Chaotic action had one intent to accent this beautiful face.

Join the fun,
Create and read
Stop by Real Toads
And see what they need.


Josie Two Shoes said...

How I loved this! You did a beautiful job of taking your cue from the piece of art and weaving a story that had an unsuspected, but perfect, ending! Is that lovely flower from your yard?

Vandana Sharma said...


Kay L. Davies said...

"They had cavorted and recklessly played
Within the garden so artfully laid"

These lines are super. I can well imagine the boy and his dog cavorting.


Sketching with Dogs said...

Yes, that painting was brought to life by your poem, I can just see them.
Lynne x

Kerry O'Connor said...

They do look like they're in a whole lot of trouble - I'm glad some good came of it.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I might just borrow this quote
"They had cavorted and recklessly played
Within the garden so artfully laid"
for the next time Baby and Jake lay waste to my elephant ears... this one fits the Pic Perfectly...

Irene said...

That was very lyrical and made me think of old English poetry. And that is a compliment. You do very well and have a good imagination.

LilliStJohn said...

You put your mind into the time frame of the photo and wrote accordingly - it all fits together - you brought life to the photo. Wonderful job Gail.

21 Wits said...

Thank goodness for little damage, and all shall be well! Sweet writing here Gail!

Brian Miller said...

ha. a rather fun take to this gail, nice twist on their intent...

LindaG said...

Well done, Gail! :-)

Farm Girl said...

Very nice today.

Susan Anderson said...

Love the way you reframed this at the end. Well done! (And is that flower one of yours? Gorgeous!)


Maggie Grace said...

Your writing matches the sketch so beautifully. Agree with the others on the brilliance of the rhyming phrase with cavorted. They look worn out from playing and like they are in trouble.

Susie Clevenger said...

They had cavorted and recklessly played
Within the garden so artfully laid ...I can see them giving a gardener a stroke...lol Fun piece!

DesertHen said...

Love it! You made the painting come alive in my mind!

Margaret said...

Really, really cute!

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