a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Thursday, May 9, 2013

dVerse~Poets Pub Terza Rima...

  • dVerse~Poets Pub poetry challenge  This Thursday our challenge was a Terza Rima rhyming poetry in tercets...what the ???  Anyway, here's my attempt.  "The first and third lines of each subsequent stanza rhyme with the second line from the stanza before, so the rhyme scheme is aba bcb cdc and so on.  You need at least three stanzas to produce the musical effect of the chain-rhyming."
Revealed as a snake in the grass, 
Injecting your venom
Withdrawing was low class 
My personal prison
 Was this empty shell
Newly arisen
I have rebelled 
By floating away 
I've escaped your hell


Sandy Livesay said...


Was that a snake you found at your place? I really am not a snake fan, I have the shovel and gun ready when in the garden.

Brian Miller said...

ha nice....gotta watch out for those snakes in the grass...they will take out your ankles....def like the second two stanzas all the more...the transforming butterfly...and the hey if it take s a little rebelling...i rather like dandelions...

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Well, hell on the farm today I guess!

Mary said...

Enjoyed each of your stanzas and its accompanying picture. Wouldn't want to meet that snake!

Semaphore said...

Interesting array of interlocking rhymes. The verses could stand alone, but the chain unites the progression.

Unknown said...

Snakes are not a good thing for sure. I think you've done a nice job of using the form to make music out of this event.

LindaG said...

Don't know about what you said up there for definition, but I like the pictures, Gail.
Have a great Friday!

Claudia said...

oh nice...i love the image of floating away on a dandelion seed...so weightless...wonderful pics as well

brudberg said...

I like what you did, almost like a set of interlocking haiga

Lynne said...

I liked . . . photo and poetic, . . .
Snake . . . not so much!

Sketching with Dogs said...

Very nice haiku.
Lynne x

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i can't tell if you did it right or not because when i read the definition it hurt my brain so bad i had to stop... and the aba and other letters really made my head hurt... i can say the words you wrote go well with the photos... this much i do know.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Wow Gail you did it again chills down my spine.... Awesome shots. Hug B

Emily Rose said...

This is great! New to your blog, and i love it!:)

~emily rose

Irene said...

I'm glad you figured it out. And you didn't use easy words either. Somebody was on the ball today.

Anonymous said...

Nicely written, Gail. I especially enjoyed the clever slant-rhymes on venom in the second stanza.

Other Mary said...

Oh bravo for the terza rima! That's a tricky one. And your pictures to go with it are terrific!

Anonymous said...

Nicely done, Gail.

Susan Kane said...

This terza rima is new to me, and I like it. Unlike the others, that black snake (I hope it is the harmless garden variety) can exist and catch as many rodents as possible!

vivinfrance said...

A minimalist terza rima! But the poem itself was really good. I much prefer half rhymes to those of the moon/June variety!

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

I thought you did good. I can't do it, that's for sure! :)

hyperCRYPTICal said...

Cleverly done - like it a lot!

Anna :o]

LilliStJohn said...

I can picture the weightlessness of the dandelion seed, floating away in the wind - do not like that snake, but well put together and most enjoyed.

Michaele said...

I love how you are always up for a writing challenge. You bring a different slant to everything. It is enjoyable.

Susan Anderson said...

A terrific blend of poetry and text.


DesertHen said...

I like it...a lot!

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