a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

I Own A Gun

Crazies will find a way
Long after the disarming
To disrupt, damage and kill

I own a gun 
As I own all my tools; 
Responsibly, respectfully and rightfully.

I own a gun 
Because our freedom still stands
And our flag still waves.

God Bless America!

Forty-five words for Imaginary Garden With Real Toads  for the "unprompted" poetry challenge.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I own a couple swords - close enough?

Sandy Livesay said...

Great post!
Freedom still stands, God Bless America!

Primitive Stars said...

I agree, Amen....I own a grumpy Shih -Tuz :), Francine.

TexWisGirl said...

gun ownership is our right. i do think better background checks are a good thing, though. and restricting high capacity clip weapons, too.

Farm Girl said...

Good for you. The only way to safe.

DFW said...

Amen again!

Anonymous said...

Nice poem.

1st Man said...

As others have said, Amen!

Country Gal said...

It's different here in Canada about guns but back in old days on the farm my dad and I used to go hunting and I was firing a shot gun at 8 years old . My how times have changed ! Where there is a will there is a way ! Thanks for sharing . Have a good day !

Irene said...

We have our freedom here in the Netherlands too, but it does not involve owning guns. I don't see what the one has to do with the other.

Josie Two Shoes said...

Amen, I own mine proudly and respectfully too! Well said, Gail!

LindaG said...

Great post, Gail. You know where we stand.
God bless and have a wonderful Thursday. ♥

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i do to, great poem

the canned quilter said...

I own several! Sshh don't tell....


Susan said...

I wish people did not need to own guns! But my brothers and sister-in-laws do too, and I pray they and you will never need to use them. This poem rocks, though, with fine lines and rhymes and conscious values. I too love the USA.

Sketching with Dogs said...

I am owned by 3 nasty little chihuahuas, will that do?
Lynne x

Kay L. Davies said...

I agree with your first stanza. Crazies will find a way, no matter what. I understand what you say here.
As a Canadian, however, I cannot understand the relationship between flag-waving and gun-owning, because the two are not related in our culture.
A good write, however.

Willow said...

my Mountain man agrees, I will always respect the right ro responsible ownership and walk with a BIG dog. :)

Helen said...

... and I respect your right to own one!!!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

So do we....several...all shapes and sizes!...:)JP

DesertHen said...

Me too! Great poem!

Maude Lynn said...

I own a sword and two big dogs!

Rudee said...

I'm perplexed. Who is trying to disarm you? And what has that to do with our freedom?

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Not sure, but in California no one is trying to take our guns from us...just get them registered and for buyer's of weapons to be registered and have a background check... and I can see already a backlog where that is concerned. I guess it's a start.
As you say, the crazies will find a way!
As far as the right to own a gun..I don't feel threatened at this time. But..I inherited mine..I didn't buy them.
I understand that they are trying to make a dent in the crimes committed with guns..but...like you, I would defend my right to defend myself and my family!
Is there an answer? Not really.
Unfortunately...not really..

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