a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Looking Down With Things Looking Up...

Another three hour trip one way to the place that pulled Hubby away from death's door.  I went armed to talk about attitude.  The doctor had made a miraculous change of attitude since our hospital stay the beginning of this month.  After a little confusion about the front desk having the wrong files we went into test mode.

Body fluid work, pictures of the heart, x-rays, stress tests, oxygen and CO2 tests and other multitude of tests....medicine assessment and pep talks and progress reports.  Sticking to that low sodium diet and the new medicine and THE PRAYERS all you good people sent out have paid off wonderfully.

When he was so seriously sick his cardiac refraction rate was less than ten percent (out of one hundred percent).  In layman's term I think that's the pump pressure and out put.  I never really looked it up.  I didn't want to know what it meant, I just wanted it fixed.

After intense fluid reduction and a loss of almost twenty pounds of fluid the congestive heart failure was delayed...still there but immensely improved.  From ten percent to thirty percent in less than a month's time!  I don't know what you think but that sounds like a miracle to me especially since I had been informed that refraction rate could not improve.  His rate was 35 percent and functional two years ago and 25 percent and then downhill to the morgue was where he was headed. I would say a twenty percent improvement is a good sign.


They have not abandoned him but will keep a close watch on his progress and if there is a downward dip, he can be placed on the list but for now we are celebrating.

We even ate out!!!!  The low sodium choice at Subway's was delicious and not dangerous.
The view of the lobby below our office area.

So Praise God and Pass The Biscuits(even if they have too much salt)   Thank you all for the healing prayers and your patience with my panic.  Neither of us could have survived without your support.


TexWisGirl said...

i am so VERY glad! this is probably the best news possible! to be denied the transplant list because you should be able to make it on your own - awesome!

The Dancing Donkey said...

That is great news! Keep up the good work and don't pass the salt:)

Farm Girl said...

I am so very, very happy, I do think it is a miracle. He was so very sick and he has made such improvement in such an amount of time.
I am so thankful and I will keep praying. Such wonderful news Gail, I am so happy.

Sandy Livesay said...

Gail and Dennis,

Fabulous news!!!! Refraction rate improved, and not sick enough for the heart transplant is really something to celebrate. YAY!!!!!
I'm so happy for you both.

Subway dinner is a very healthy choice.

Several well known doctors, we all know the names state if you change your diet, your body will dramatically change medical issues, turning your life around.

Keep up the good work!

Dreaming said...

How incredibly amazing is our God who looks after all of us and answers prayers! I can't believe the improvement... congrats on all of the hard work!

carolina nana said...

WONDERFUL NEWS !!! The power of prayer is an amazing thing even the docs are starting to admit that it just might come into play in healing.
Keep up the good work and I'll keep him on my prayer list.

IanH said...

That is great news! Too healthy to make the list, wow! Let's all keep praying!

colenic said...

That is amazing news! you must both be over the moon..

Josie Two Shoes said...

Whoever doubts the power of prayer needs to read this, faith can move mountains... and hearts! I am dancing with joy for both of you, this is an AWESOME report. Keep up the good work, keep celebrating every day! I bet you'll sleep well tonight! XOXO

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

That is such remarkable news. Good stuff. Oma Linda

Lynne said...

Wonderful, fabulous news . . . I think you deserved a celebration!

Willow said...

Great news ...so happy for you both !

LindaG said...

This is really fantastic news, Gail.
*hugs* and God bless. ♥

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh Gail can you see me doing the happy dance??
I am so happy and that is the best news ever. YEAH YEAH YEAH dance dance dance. No salt no big deal. Now you just have to figure out how to keep him out of trouble you know those farmers:) HUGS B

MadSnapper n Beau said...

this is amazing and a miracle in my book.. i am so happy to read this, great news it is... and also glad to see others snapping away in a hospital. i knew you could do it...hugs and prayers for all of you... happy hugs and happy thanks to God.

T. Powell Coltrin said...

To be taken OFF the transplant list is good news. Too healthy for it? Yay.

Hopefully, he'll continue to get healthier.

Now I'm hungry for biscuits.

ellen abbott said...

Yay! Wonderful news.

Michaele said...

PTL! What a relief. Keep him in line Gail.

21 Wits said...

Praying for you that all works out well, keep up the good work and don't worry, be happy!!!! Be well! Hug your hubby!

the canned quilter said...

God bless you both and keep up the good work.

Rose said...

WOW WOW I WANT TO JUMP SO HIGH FOR YOU BOTH!!!!!!!!!! Well done to you gail, you kepy everything and no doubt everyone together. I will keep you all in prayers but i will say a big thank you to him tonight. best wishes to you all x

Sketching with Dogs said...

That is the best news! It is a wonderful thing when he is too healthy for a proceedure.
Lynne x

DFW said...

This makes me so happy that I've got tears of joy welling up. Oh my the power of prayer (& much less salt)!

Anonymous said...

This is wonderful! God listened & answered as we all hoped. Enjoy each other and life itself!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Gail, that is wonderful news! We will keep praying the trend continues.

Pat said...

This is all good news! I will continue to pray for your husband and hope that he keeps up with his salt-free diet. Meanwhile, you'll be out back licking the salt block, I'm sure!


Gail - I've been wondering how things were doing. So happy I checked in to see how far you've come. Good news for sure.
Remember to take care of you as well as Hubs.
Hugs, Barb

Far Side of Fifty said...

Great news Gail! I am so relieved for you! Keep up the good work, cooking good and making him mind! :)

LilliStJohn said...

WOW, way to go TM n Gail, both for all your hard work - to TM for keeping on the well balanced healthier diet and to Gail for making all that well balanced food still taste delicious. Not making the transplant list is indeed great news, however; do keep up the good work and shedding those 20 pounds of excessive whatever deserves a pat on the back and a big hug all the way from the Atlantic Shore. Keep up the good work, both of you. lol Lilly

DesertHen said...

What GREAT news! Tell Tractor Man to keep up the good work and no sneaking licks off the salt blocks...lol!

Carol Kilgore said...

Gail, I'm so relieved to hear this. Arpil was so busy with A-Z, but I kept you and hubby in my thoughts and prayers. Things are looking up! I'm smiling :)

And prayers will continue.

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